Friday, August 26, 2016

8/26: FDA: All blood donations should be tested for Zika; WWII vet runs 3,000 miles across the U.S.

The FDA took an extraordinary step Friday, ordering all U.S. blood banks to begin screening for Zika; Ernie Andrus is 93 years old and just finished a three-year run across the country.


FDA: All blood donations should be tested for Zika

The FDA took an extraordinary step Friday, ordering all U.S. blood banks to begin screening for Zika. So far local infection cases have only been found in Florida, but the administration wants testing even in places where the virus is not present. Dr. Tara Narula explains what this means.


Baby born with Zika virus is medical mystery

A baby born in Miami with Zika virus, despite showing no signs of it before birth, has medical professionals stumped


Doctors puzzled by baby born with Zika virus

Eight-week-old Micela is a medical mystery. She was exposed to the Zika virus in the womb, and was born with slight damage to one eye and stiffness on one side of her body. Now doctors are working to determine her prognosis. David Begnaud reports.


Judge won't block strict child vaccination law in California

State requires all schoolchildren be vaccinated and is one of the strictest in nation for eliminating exemptions based on religious, personal beliefs


Zika spread through sex by symptom-free man

In the first case of its kind in the U.S., Zika was spread by someone who wasn't showing any symptoms of the virus


What people really think of men with hair transplants

A new survey asked people to compare side-by-side photos to gauge the impact of this cosmetic procedure


#AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Gastroenterology

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Ranked No. 1 by U.S. News & World Report

From: Mayo Clinic

Study says men are more attractive with hair

A new survey finds hair transplants really can make men look younger. Dr. David Cangello joins CBSN to talk about cosmetic surgery for balding men.


How Safe Is Your Tattoo Ink?

tattoo needle

Before you get that dolphin tattooed on your ankle or "Mom" on your bicep, be warned: The ink used in tattoos may be harmful -- even years later.


FDA: All Blood Donations Should Be Tested for Zika

Updated guidance provides further protection for U.S. blood supply


Preseason Practice Heat Risky for Football Players

Coaches, trainers need to be aware of heat illness symptoms, study suggests


Sex Partner With No Zika Symptoms Transmits Virus

New report also highlights ties between Zika and Guillain-Barre


K2 drug users "playing a game of Russian roulette"

EMS chief warns of "lethal combination" as dozens of people are treated for bad reactions to the synthetic drug in Austin, Texas


Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine – This is more than a game. This is our goal.

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine – This is more than a game. This is our goal.

From: Mayo Clinic

Healing Words with Michael Milligan

From: Mayo Clinic

Doctors Divided on Safety, Use of E-Cigarettes

When patients ask about safety and using e-cigarettes to stop smoking, doctors' advice differs


Many Medicaid-enrolled children with preventable dental conditions getting surgical treatment

Many children have preventable dental conditions that are not treated until they need surgical care in hospital operating rooms or ambulatory surgery centers.


Bullying: Help your child handle a bully

If your child is being bullied, get involved. Find out what's happening — and know how to respond.


Baby Simulators Don't Deter Teen Pregnancy

Schools should think twice about sending girls home with simulator baby, study suggests


FDA says blood supply should be screened for Zika

Officials are taking new steps to check blood donations as Zika continues to spread in Florida


What are teens vaping? Some experts are surprised

A new study suggests most teen e-cigarette users are attracted by something other than nicotine


Even a Little Exercise May Help Stave Off Dementia

Sedentary seniors more likely to suffer mental decline, study finds


Early Virus Raises Asthma Risk in Certain Kids

Infants with a particular gene variant appear more vulnerable after infection


Synthetic Fentanyl Fueling Rise in OD Deaths: CDC

U.S. Surgeon General urges doctors to join the fight against opioid addiction epidemic


Photographer documents her grandmother's last days

A story that is both sad and familiar, echoed in every family, in every country


EpiPen maker slammed for "PR move" in price controversy

Meanwhile, Mylan CEO tried to reframe the debate on how the prices of the life-saving device rose from about $100 to more than $600


Sarah Jessica Parker cuts ties with EpiPen over price hikes

The actress, whose son has severe allergies, says she's “disappointed, saddened and deeply concerned” by company's actions


Saving lives by prescribing naloxone with opioid painkillers

Opioid drugs help relieve pain by sticking to opioid receptors in the body, which in turn, helps block “pain signals.” The umbrella term “opioids” includes prescription painkillers, such as hydrocodone (in Vicodin) or oxycodone (in Percocet), as well as heroin. These drugs not only ease pain and cause pleasurable feelings, but also can depress breathing — take too much and a person can stop breathing altogether and will die without quick treatment.

Unintentional overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. As more Americans are prescribed opioids for chronic pain, these medications increasingly find their way into the community. This has led to a rise in the non-medical use of these drugs.  In 2014, 10.3 million people reported taking prescription opioids that were not prescribed for them, or for reasons other than the condition the medication was intended to treat. As a result, emergency department visits related to the misuse of prescription opioids have tripled, and deaths related to prescription opioids have quadrupled since the early 2000s.

We desperately need ways to prevent these accidental deaths.

What is naloxone?

Naloxone, also called Narcan, is a medication that immediately reverses the effects of opioids in the brain. As a result, it can rescue someone from an overdose instantly. It can be given as a nasal spray or a muscular injection (like an Epi-pen used for severe allergic reactions). Its use among people who use illegal opioids has reduced the number of deaths due to overdose. Anyone with a minimal amount of training can give the naloxone, and it won’t cause harm if given to someone who has not taken opioids. Early on, there were concerns that the availability of naloxone might increase opioid use. That has not turned out to be the case, in part because the drug causes an unpleasant sensation of withdrawal when given to someone who has used opioids. Naloxone programs have proved successful, but they typically are intended for people who use non-prescribed opioids.

Can naloxone help protect people taking prescribed opioids?

But people who use opioids prescribed by their doctors are also at risk of overdose. Is there a role for naloxone serve as a safeguard for these patients?

A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine explored the potential benefits of prescribing naloxone along with opioids — an approach called “co-prescribing.” Here’s how it works. Providers educate patients who take opioids for chronic pain about the risks of overdose and teach them how to use naloxone. And then prescribe both drugs at the same time.

In this study, researchers trained staff at six clinics in the San Francisco area on how to co-prescribe opioids and naloxone. They then looked at how often naloxone was actually prescribed, whether co-prescribing translated in fewer emergency department visits related to opioids, and whether the dose of prescribed opioids changed. Here’s what the study found:

  • When providers were trained in this approach, the number of naloxone prescriptions increased. So doctors seemed willing to co-prescribe.
  • Patients who were on higher dosages of opioids or had been to the emergency department in the past year because of opioids were more likely to get prescribed naloxone.
  • Compared to the people who did not receive a naloxone prescription, those who did had 47% fewer emergency department visits per month in the subsequent six months.
  • Receiving naloxone had no effect on the dose of prescribed opioids.

Putting the results into action

The results of this study suggest that naloxone may help curb the potentially devastating risks of opioid misuse — and that doctors are willing to prescribe it along with opioids.

There’s more encouraging news. Co-prescribing seems like a viable option. A relatively brief training for providers was enough to result in a third of patients on opioids for chronic pain receiving a naloxone prescription. The fact that those on higher dosages and with previous ER visits were more likely to get a prescription likely means that providers were particularly willing to co-prescribe to patients they perceived to be at high risk. However, doctors appeared less likely to co-prescribe for their elderly or black patients. Given that overdoses occur among all ages and ethnicities, this is a concern and highlights the need for more uniform protocols to ensure naloxone is made available to all patients at risk. The reduction in emergency visits is particularly interesting and may be due to the positive effects of simply talking explicitly about overdose and medication risks. It could also be because having naloxone on hand meant patients didn’t need to go to the emergency department for an overdose.

Given the relative safety of naloxone and the death toll from opioids across this country, co-prescription of naloxone with opioid pain medication makes a lot of practical sense. Any opportunity to discuss the risks of opioids, how to identify and respond to an overdose, and how to use naloxone is beneficial. These discussions are important not just for patients taking opioids for chronic pain, but also for their friends, family, and community members.

With greater availability of naloxone, anyone can save a life.

The post Saving lives by prescribing naloxone with opioid painkillers appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Sarah Wakeman, MD, FASAM, Medical Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Substance Use Disorder Initiative

CDC announces $3 million in awards to strengthen chronic disease, oral health program collaborations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has awarded $3 million in funding to six state health departments in an effort to strengthen collaborations.


Canadian hospital dog trained to sniff out deadly superbugs

According to the CDC, even many of the nation's leading medical institutions are losing the battle against superbugs. The most common bacteria, known as C. diff, is considered a "hazard level urgent," costing the health care industry as much as $5 billion a year. But one hospital in Vancouver, Canada, came up with a dog-sniffing approach to the crisis. John Blackstone reports.


Family "in shock" after brain-dead toddler taken off life support

Brain-dead California toddler died after being taken off life support under a judge's order, bringing a sudden end to a complex legal battle that had appeared it was going to go on much longer


Bullying: Help your child handle a bully

If your child is being bullied, get involved. Find out what's happening — and know how to respond.


Lawmakers blast Mylan's EpiPen coupons as "PR move"

Lawmakers are asking EpiPen maker Mylan tough questions after its massive price increases. The company has tried to ease concerns by announcing programs to help families cover the cost of the life-saving device for severe allergies. But Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings said in a statement: "Nobody is buying this PR move." Vinita Nair reports.


Meet the canine hospital worker who sniffs out danger of superbugs

A dog trainer was inspired to train Angus the springer spaniel to track down superbugs after she nearly died from the drug-resistant bacteria


Bullying: Help your child handle a bully

If your child is being bullied, get involved. Find out what's happening — and know how to respond.


Bullying: Help your child handle a bully

If your child is being bullied, get involved. Find out what's happening — and know how to respond.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.
