Thursday, March 9, 2017

Pence says WH wants to defund Planned Parenthood in Obamacare replacement

Major Garrett: Pence tries to allay concerns of abortion foes; White House hosts GOP members for bowling night to try to rally support for health care replacement


2 deaths linked to listeria from soft cheese

A New York creamery has recalled four soft wash-rind milk cheeses, and Whole Foods is recalling those sold at nine stores in four states


Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


U.S. doctors sound alarm on yellow fever outbreak

An ongoing outbreak in the jungles of Brazil could have consequences for the rest of the Americas, researchers say


VA expands mental health care for discharged veterans

The move is part of an expanded initiative to stem stubbornly high rates of suicide


Making Mayo's Recipes: Alfredo Sauce

From: Mayo Clinic

ADA had plenty to celebrate in 2016

The ADA can celebrate a multitude of highlights in 2016.


Stroke ambulances enable quicker treatment at crucial time

Special mobile units allow doctors to start life-saving treatment before patients get to the hospital


Woman on feeding tube wins $28.9M negligence suit

Woman with rare disorder said doctors missed the diagnosis, causing irreversible injuries


FDA warns against risky vein-opening procedure

Experimental procedure called TVAM is promoted as a treatment for several disorders, including multiple sclerosis​ and Parkinson’s disease​


Scientists aim to use phone power to cure cancer

A team in Japan is using the processing power of citizens' phones and computers to run medical simulations focusing on childhood cancer


Trump tries to sway wary lawmakers to support health bill

President Trump has invited lawmakers to the White House to discuss a health care replacement bill. USA Today's Eliza Collins joins CBSN to discuss Trump's tactics to get more support for the health care overhaul.


Opposition grows as health care bill clears first hurdle

CBS News' Chip Reid reports on the latest development in the effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, despite opposition from the medical industry.


Eye exam might pick up on serious leg condition

Changes in the eye’s retina may signal a narrowing of blood vessels in the legs, called peripheral artery disease


​L​eukemia​ drug fends off cancer for a decade, study shows

Gleevec, the brand name for imatinib, "has stood the test of time" with no new safety risks, say cancer experts


Alzheimer's expert shares healthy brain advice

The latest Alzheimer's research is focusing on finding ways to stop the disease much earlier, years before memory loss and other symptoms develop. In the meantime, Rudy Tanzi, Ph.D., the head of the Alzheimer's Genome Project, says there are some things you can do to help reduce the risk and protect your brain. He spoke with CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook.


Time spent in “green” places linked with longer life in women

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
– John Burroughs

Can we make humans healthier by growing healthier places? A 2016 analysis found that women living in areas with higher levels of green vegetation had lower rates of mortality. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health conducted a nationwide study of approximately 100,000 women from the Nurses’ Health Study. Those women that had homes in areas with the highest level of greenness in the surrounding 250 meters (roughly 820 feet, or a little over 1/10 of a mile) had a 12% lower rate of death compared to the women whose homes had the lowest level of greenness. Specifically, there was a 13% lower rate for cancer mortality, 35% lower respiratory disease-related mortality, and 41% lower rate for kidney disease mortality in the women living in the areas with the highest levels of green vegetation.

Just how does being in green spaces increase longevity?

When trying to figure out just how the greenness was protecting women against death, researchers found a combination of factors that came into play. These included lower levels of depression, increased social engagement, higher levels of physical activity, and lower levels of pollution. There are probably many reasons why being in green spaces might decrease depression. Perhaps people who live in greener areas are more likely to go outside. Exposure to sunlight helps people to make vitamin D, and low levels of vitamin D are associated with depression. Spending time with friends and participating in social activities were also associated with greener areas, and these things can decrease feelings of loneliness and depression. Being outside and experiencing nature has been known to increase feelings of well-being. In fact, some research suggests that even images of nature can lead to increased positive mood.

Exercise is medicine, and the more physically active a person is, the more fit they will be and the healthier they will be. Green spaces invite people to enjoy the outdoors and encourage people to walk, bicycle, or jog for physical activity. When the space around a home is green and full of vegetation, there are likely paths or trails that are in safe and beautiful places. In this study, those women that lived in greener spaces were more physically active.

Living among trees, plants, grass, and flowers provides an environment with less pollution than one with low levels of vegetation. The plants can reduce levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter, which lowers the level of pollution. In this study, death from respiratory disease was reduced by about one third in those women who lived in the homes with the highest amount of vegetation. Breathing clean air matters, and plants help to clean the air.

Take advantage of green spaces

If you live in an area with heavy vegetation, this is good news for you. Take the opportunity to improve your health. Get outside and breathe the clean air, walk around the neighborhood, find some friends to walk with you, and enjoy the great, green outdoors. If you do not live in an area with a lot of greenery around you, consider planting some trees, plants, or shrubs. If you live in a highly urban area, you can get involved with local policy to work to encourage your community to increase green spaces. Spend time with friends who live in areas with lots of trees and greenery, consciously seek out green areas as often as you can, and consider vacationing in areas with lots of vegetation.

And for those of us still in the throes of winter… spring isn’t all that far away.

The post Time spent in “green” places linked with longer life in women appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Elizabeth Pegg Frates, MD

Expert advice to help protect your brain from Alzheimer's

There are steps you can take right now to help improve your odds against Alzheimer's disease in the future


Stroke ambulances dramatically cut treatment time

A study found special mobile units cut treatment time for stroke victims from 94 to 56 minutes. These vehicles are being rolled out across the country. Dr. Tara Narula, cardiologist at Northwell Health, joins "CBS This Morning" to explain how these stroke ambulances work.


These major health advocacy groups oppose GOP health care plan

These groups played an influential role in the passage of Obamacare


Mayo Clinic Minute: How much exercise do you need?

From: Mayo Clinic

Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes
