Thursday, May 10, 2018

Our Mission in Action: 2018 National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day Recap

Home Office staff heading out for a walk

Each year on the first Wednesday in May, we celebrate National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day, a day to spread awareness about the dangers of excessive sitting and the importance of getting up and moving throughout the day.

And 2018 was no different. On May 2, ADA Home Office team members came to the office to work—and work out. Donning office-appropriate workout gear, staff members enjoyed a day full of physical activities, interspersing regular office work with gym time, walks and yoga.

It was a fun day, to be sure, but the purpose of National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day isn’t just for fun. An estimated 84 million American adults—that’s about one in three—are at risk for type 2 diabetes. Once diagnosed, people with diabetes are at risk for serious complications such as kidney failure, heart disease, stroke, blindness and amputations. But type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed with healthy food choices, weight loss, other lifestyle changes and/or medication and exercise—that’s where National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day comes in.

Desk Exercise #1

Studies indicate that moving more throughout the day may prevent or delay type 2. We recommend breaking up sitting time with three or more minutes of light physical activity (walking, leg extensions or other simple desk exercises) every 30 minutes. This activity, in addition to getting the recommended 30 minutes a day/five days a week of moderate activity, not only prevents or delays type 2 diabetes, but also improves blood glucose control for those who already have type 2, reduces cardiovascular risk factors, contributes to weight loss and improves well-being.

Desk Exercise #2

Last Wednesday, ADA Home Office employees took this recommendation to heart. Throughout the day, they enjoyed complimentary access to the Crystal Park Sport & Health gym next door, a lunchtime walk around Crystal City, Arlington and an onsite afternoon yoga class. Those who couldn’t participate made sure to move around every 30 minutes, literally walking the walk for National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day.

Outside of Arlington, ADA field staff also got the chance to participate, enjoying in-office workouts, field day-style events, walks and more.

Afternoon yoga at the Home Office

National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day has now ended, but ADA team members are still moving throughout each day—and you can too. Wondering how to add more activity to your workday? Give these tips a try:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator at the office and in the parking garage.
  • Get up and stretch at your desk.
  • Use part of your lunch break to take a walk.
  • Swap out your chair for an exercise ball to engage your muscles.

After you’ve mastered your own daily activity, consider getting the rest of your workplace involved—learn more here, and we’ll see you on next year’s National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day! ­­­­­­­

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Thanks to NRG Energy, Inc. and Freeze Tag, Inc. for serving as national sponsors for National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day 2018.

From: American Diabetes Association

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