Wednesday, November 1, 2017

#DearDiabetes: Martha Clark

Dear Diabetes,

You moved in 42 years ago… unexpectedly, uninvited and unwelcome… like a high-maintenance relative who requires my constant attention.

At first they told me to be patient… that they knew how to get you to leave… a cure is close, they said… be patient, they said… it will be soon, they said. But you wouldn’t budge; you just had to have it your way. You took some getting used to, and I have learned to be patient.

Let’s face it, our relationship has been up and down… I’ve often resented you, tried to ignore you, resisted you and eventually embraced you. Somewhere along the way I accepted that you are here to stay. So, like many who are in lifelong relationships, I’ve chosen our song… one that captures the truth about our relationship… Willie Nelson’s “Always on My Mind.”

You come with me everywhere I go—intruding on my social life and limiting my flexibility. You’re Always on My Mind.

To be fair, you’ve taught me a lot… discipline, managing risks, empathy for others and patience with myself.

But seriously, feel free to leave anytime. Anytime. Really.

In the meantime, I will continue to thrive and will do what I can to help others do the same. That’s my sweet revenge!

Thinking of You Always,

Martha Clark, MBA
Interim Chief Executive Officer, American Diabetes Association

From: American Diabetes Association

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