Wednesday, December 14, 2016

WHO steps up response in Aleppo and demands that health personnel be protected

Conditions in Aleppo continue to deteriorate as thousands of people flee violence. WHO alongside UN and other partners, is working to provide care in the midst of conflict and to assist internally displaced people (IDPs). The Organization strongly urges all parties to the conflict in Syria to abide by international humanitarian law and protect civilians trapped in the conflict. In particular, WHO demands that all patients and health workers, facilities and vehicles be protected from violence during times of conflict.

WHO has delivered 12 medical shipments of life-saving medicines and medical supplies to the stricken city, sufficient to treat more than 290 000 patients. The medical supplies distributed to 11 public hospitals and 23 primary health care centres, include trauma and surgical supplies, hygiene kits, IV fluids, antibiotics, chronic disease, psychotropic and paediatric medicines, as well as other essential medical equipment.


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