Wednesday, November 9, 2016

“This Is My Miracle. This Is Diabetes.”

Julie and daughter

When Julie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes during her senior year in college, it changed everything. She thought her boyfriend would break up with her, but he didn’t. Now happily married, they’ve been together for almost 20 years.

When young couples around them began to start families, Julie felt saddened that she would never be able to have a child of her own. “I thought that if I decided to get pregnant, it would be too hard on my body.”

After an eight-year search, Julie and her husband finally found a doctor who told them: “We can do this.”

This is their story.

During American Diabetes Month® we’re sharing the stories of people affected by diabetes, just like Julie. What do YOU want the world to know about this disease?

If you or someone you know is living with diabetes, share your story during November using #ThisIsDiabetes. And learn more at

From: American Diabetes Association

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