Monday, November 28, 2016

This is Christina. This Is Diabetes


Christina thrives on a busy, on-the-go lifestyle. But because of her schedule and frequent business travel away from her home in Seattle, her eating habits were often sporadic. “I would eat whatever was convenient, whether that’s something great like a steak tartar or whether it was McDonald’s French fries,” Christina says. “My food diet reflected my lifestyle and how busy I was.”

One day, Christina began experiencing unusual symptoms.  Diabetes runs in their family, so she asked her doctor to run a blood test.

Christina says her doctor was hesitant because she didn’t display any of the typical risk factors for type 2 diabetes. She was young and she wasn’t overweight. Christina told her doctor, “Just humor me. Let’s do the test.”

It’s a good thing Christina persisted; her A1C was 16.7 percent—about three times the normal level. In addition, Christina was at risk for a heart attack and needed to be put on heart medication right away.

After her type 2 diagnosis, Christina knew she needed to alter her habits. This is her story.

During American Diabetes Month® we’re sharing the stories of people affected by diabetes, just like Christina. What do YOU want the world to know about this disease?

If you or someone you know is living with diabetes, share your story during November using #ThisIsDiabetes. And learn more at

From: American Diabetes Association

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