Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Hepatitis A outbreak linked to strawberries, smoothies

Imported frozen strawberries served in chain restaurant smoothies are blamed for highly contagious liver disease that's sickened people in 6 states


Zika funding running on empty

Health officials say they are nearing the end of the $222 million that was allocated for domestic Zika control. If Congress doesn't act, it could mean difficult decisions for those fighting the virus. Dr. Jon LaPook reports.


Higher than ever? New study tracks U.S. marijuana use

The rising numbers come along with a significant shift in perceptions about whether the drug is harmful


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


A cocoa study everyone might want to get a piece of

Medical researchers are recruiting people to test the health effects of cocoa​, but (alas) not Willy Wonka-style


Do the benefits of weight-loss surgery really last?

A new study compares three types of procedures and looks at the impact on weight loss 10 years later


FDA Approves New Biological Drug for RA

Erelzi is a biosimilar for Enbrel


Weight-Loss Surgery Sheds Pounds Long Term

10-year follow-up study finds many who had gastric bypass kept weight off


ADA webinar, Understanding Section 1557, available on

A recording of the ADA webinar, Understanding Section 1557, is accessible at


Louisiana dentists rebuild after storm

Dentists are among the thousands here salvaging what they can from their homes, and in some cases, dental practices — and also pitching in to help others affected — after days of torrential rainfall slammed southern Louisiana in August.


USDA Announces Initiative to Provide Transitional Housing for Rural Americans in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 31, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced an initiative that will use USDA’s rural development resources to help fill the need for transitional housing for people recovering from opioid and other substance use disorders.


FDA to start requiring boxed warnings on opioids, benzodiazepine

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Aug. 31 that it plans to require boxed warnings for prescription opioid analgesics, opioid-containing cough products and benzodiazepines.


ADA comments on Wall Street Journal article

"Poor children shouldn't be stopped from seeing a dentist by a restructured system that redirects them to providers with less training than dentists." This was one of the ADA's key messages in its response to the Wall Street Journal's Aug. 19 article, "You Don't Have to be a Dentist to Fill A Cavity," which proposed dental therapists as the solution to access to care issues


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Study: Abortion pill law led to worse health outcomes

Ohio law may have resulted in more side effects and additional medical treatment for some women, researchers say


Sex Suffers for Younger Adults After Heart Attack

Lack of interest a complaint of many women and men, study finds


Live. Work. Play: Kaylee’s Diabetes Story

Kaylee, Blake and Morgan at a reunion ,12 years after meeting.

Working for the American Diabetes Association® means making a difference for millions of people and working toward a future free of diabetes and all its burdens.

We all have a story to share. Some of us live with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or prediabetes. Others have loved ones with the disease or have lost someone to the fight.

The following are personal stories from the Association’s staff about why we are so committed to the mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

Kaylee Gronau
Associate Manager, Development
Phoenix, Arizona

Kaylee, Blake and Morgan at a reunion ,12 years after meeting.

Kaylee, Blake and Morgan at a reunion ,12 years after meeting.

My adventure with the American Diabetes Association began when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on Nov. 4, 1996, less than a month after my seventh birthday. My parents reached out to the organization, which provided resources and support for managing diabetes at home and school. This was especially important, as my diagnosis was in the middle of the school year. We soon discovered the Association had even more to offer a child new to diabetes, including Diabetes Camp!

Now let us fast-forward to the summer of 1997. I was signed up for my first year at Camp Needlepoint in Hudson, Wis. My parents cried the first time I went off to camp; they didn’t want to leave me alone. It was my first sleepover camp and my first time away from them—the first time someone else would help me with my diabetes. I, however, was very excited about the possibilities of developing new friendships and learning from my counselors. I learned so much from my camp friends and counselors, such as taking insulin shots in places besides my stomach, and got better at carb counting.

At camp, I began what has become a 20-year journey of lifelong friendships, memories
and a passion to work for the organization that was—in all senses of the word—a lifeline for me and my family. Camp Needlepoint is where I started to make lifelong friendships. I was a camper until I was 18 and then became a camp counselor (at Camp Needlepoint and Camp Sioux in North Dakota). Two of my best friends, Morgan and Blake, are a HUGE part of my life even though we live in different states (Minnesota, Utah and Arizona). We still get together every summer for at least one trip or weekend.

Camp is about creating a welcoming experience for kids with diabetes so they can create a bond with their fellow campers. It gives them the life-changing opportunity to be understood by those going through the same fight. This is why I was happy to develop such strong relationships with Morgan and Blake. Camp was also an opportunity to learn more about diabetes—and the possibility of working for the Association.

I now work for the Phoenix office on a variety of projects, including School Walk for Diabetes®, camp reunions at Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes® and Tour de Cure,® and the Young Professional Leadership Council. I love our Diabetes Camp program and I hope to continue with the organization to someday become a camp director. When my schedule allows, I still return to Camp Needlepoint and Camp Sioux to help out as a counselor. It’s always a fulfilling experience to help kids learn more about managing their diabetes.

Working for the Association lets me connect with other staff and volunteers who have the same ambition. It gives me the opportunity to share my story and hear the stories of others fighting the same battle. Sometimes I get a message from a former camper asking me about my job and how he or she can follow the same path I did. It is the best feeling to hear from young adults who are just as committed to following their dreams.

My experiences growing up with camp will always be the memories that shaped me to be so passionate about this cause.

I would never wish diabetes on anyone, but it is a blessing to know the Association has given us all the opportunity to connect with others. I will forever be grateful for its support from beginning to end. The Association staff and volunteers have become my family.

And this Nov. 4, I will celebrate 20 years of conquering diabetes, and I will do so in the best way possible: by participating in our local Step Out the following day! I will be marking the occasion with hundreds of people who all share my desire to STOP DIABETES.

To learn more about nationwide employment opportunities and life at the Association, please visit

From: American Diabetes Association

Funds to Fight Zika Nearly Exhausted: CDC

Mosquito season in Gulf Coast states only half over, officials say


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Vitamin A Compound Might Aid in Colon Cancer Fight

Researchers studying connection between retinoic acid and inflammation in gut


3 things that can lower the risk of preterm birth

More than 11 percent of U.S. babies are born too early, but experts say there are steps women can take to reduce the risk


Mayo Clinic Minute: Are Swimming Pools Safe?

From: Mayo Clinic

Drug-Coated Stents Don't Improve Patient Survival

But, the pricier devices do lead to fewer repeat heart procedures


Birth control right after having a baby: Why it’s important, why it should be covered

Follow me on Twitter @hricciot

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recently put out a new Committee Opinion, “Immediate Postpartum Long-Acting Reversible Contraception.” I counsel all my pregnant patients about the option of immediate postpartum birth control in the form of IUDs and implants, both of which are long-acting, reversible contraceptives (LARC). The contraceptive implant goes in your arm, and IUD is placed inside your uterus. Immediate postpartum contraception refers to placement of LARC in the period between delivery of a baby and the time a new mother leaves the hospital.

Many women are aware that IUDs and implants are highly effective, safe, and forgettable methods of birth control, including for adolescents. What is less well known is that they are also a convenient and effective option for immediate postpartum contraception. Placing them right after the birth of a baby in the hospital streamlines women’s access to contraception, reduces the hassles of appointments in the weeks and months following birth, and lowers the risk of unintended pregnancy and pregnancies that occur sooner than planned. ACOG has long supported efforts to promote education around, access to, and actual use of LARC. However, this is ACOG’s first clinical opinion specifically dedicated to immediate postpartum LARC.

Unfortunately, in Massachusetts, where I practice, hospitals take a financial loss whenever we provide immediate postpartum LARC, because insurance payments for the birth of a baby are bundled, which means we get one fee regardless of how many services are provided. The device and procedure are covered by most insurers, public and private, in an outpatient clinic, but are not reimbursed in addition to the global fee for delivery of a baby, if provided while the mom is in the hospital for delivery. We need to lead the way with payment reform for immediate postpartum birth control to change this.

While many women may plan to start using birth control at their six-week postpartum checkup, up to 40% of women do not attend a follow-up appointment, and so never obtain a reliable birth control method. But even for women who do go to the routine six-week postpartum follow-up visit, ovulation can occur as early as three weeks after birth and can result in pregnancy. The early days with a new baby are a busy, exhausting, and often stressful time. Having LARC inserted before leaving the hospital takes one thing off the list. There is no worry about scheduling an appointment or getting to the doctor’s office. The one downside is that IUDs placed right after birth are slightly more likely to be expelled compared to those placed at the six-week visit. Yet many women still find that the advantages of insertion before leaving the hospital outweigh the disadvantages.

Access to and effective use of contraception is the critical foundation for empowering women, improving health outcomes, and saving money. Advocating for expansion of immediate postpartum contraception is essential to reduce unintended pregnancy and rapid, repeat pregnancy rates. Several states have changed their insurance reimbursement policies, but Massachusetts is not one of them. Massachusetts is the state that led the way in health care reform, and we need to join other states that are already taking the lead in further improving reproductive health care by adding insurance coverage for immediate postpartum contraception.

The post Birth control right after having a baby: Why it’s important, why it should be covered appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Hope Ricciotti, MD

3 Steps to Lower a Woman's Risk of Premature Birth

Study finds there's lots mothers-to-be can do to help ensure they deliver at full-term


Ebola May Be Present in Semen for Year or More

And virus is more likely to be found in male survivors older than 40, researchers report


Heart Attack Before 50 Ups Early Death Risk

But healthy living can improve those odds, experts say


Case Study: New Neurological Complication and Zika

Problems with sensory nerves developed in Honduran man with Zika infection, disease experts say


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How did Listeria get into recalled veggies?

Once this bacteria gets into a food processing facility, it can live for years


5 Ways Yogurt Boosts Your Health

Find out how yogurt can do a lot for your health -- from improving your immune system to lowering your blood pressure.


Growing antibiotic resistance forces updates to recommended treatment for sexually transmitted infections

New guidelines for the treatment of 3 common sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were today issued by WHO in response to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance.


PA dentist watches his patients compete in Olympics

The enthusiasm and pride so many experienced when watching the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro felt personal for Dr. Rick Knowlton.


ADA Foundation Caries Symposium explores prevention of childhood epidemic

The program brought together people who are involved in childhood caries studies, outreach programs and public health and policy in order to address the issue of childhood caries.


A surprising benefit of being a twin

New research shows twins may have a survival advantage over non-twins


Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Farm Income Forecasts for 2015 and 2016

WASHINGTON, Aug. 30, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack issued the following statement today on the Farm Income and Financial Forecasts for 2015 and 2016, released by USDA's Economic Research Service.


Heart failure


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza




Alcohol: If you drink, keep it moderate

Drinking alcohol might offer some health benefits. But that's only if you drink responsibly and in moderation.


New treatment advice for three common STDs

The World Health Organization warns that these sexually-transmitted diseases are developing greater resistance to antibiotics


Researchers Find Another Way Zika Can Harm Babies

Close to 6 percent who were diagnosed with microcephaly also had hearing loss


Doctors Can 'Fire' Families Who Don’t Vaccinate

Pediatricians can dismiss families for refusing to vaccinate their children, but only as a last resort, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says.


Listeria Risk Prompts 9-State Vegetable Recall

Listeria Risk Prompts 9-State Vegetable Recall


Angioplasty, Stents Help Heart Attack Survival

Aggressive interventions play big part in improvements after even 'mild' attacks, U.K. report says


This Diet Has Protective Powers in Heart Patients

Those who ate more produce, fish, olive oil were less likely to die during study period


Alcohol: If you drink, keep it moderate

Drinking alcohol might offer some health benefits. But that's only if you drink responsibly and in moderation.




Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Heart failure


Fewer Drugs in Pipeline to Treat No. 1 Killer

While number of cancer drugs rose, development of new heart medicines stalled, study finds


Wasp sting blamed for a man's rare side effect

It's very unusual, but not unheard of, for wasp or bee strings to lead to this serious complication


Alcohol: If you drink, keep it moderate

Drinking alcohol might offer some health benefits. But that's only if you drink responsibly and in moderation.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Heart failure




Just Spraying Adult Mosquitoes Won't Curb Zika

Lab work suggests larvicide also needed to attack eggs and larvae


Dr. Justin Kreuter discusses blood donations and Zika

From: Mayo Clinic

Sleep Apnea Mask Fails to Curb Heart Risks

CPAP helped patients feel better, but didn't cut odds for heart death, heart attack or stroke, study found


iPads Calm Surgery-Bound Kids as Well as Sedatives

Study found equal benefits in easing anxiety


Mayo Clinic Minute: Without FluMist, Everyone Needs a Shot

From: Mayo Clinic

Shining a light on migraine relief

It’s hard to ignore migraine pain. This throbbing headache can last for hours or even days. Although it affects more than 36 million Americans between the ages of 15 and 55, the exact cause of migraines is still largely unknown.

What is a migraine?

Migraines are different than regular headaches. Headaches can cause mild to severe pressure and aching on both sides of your head, and they can last anywhere from 30 minutes to a week. “A normal headache feels like someone put a belt around your head and is pressing on it,” says Dr. Carolyn Bernstein, a neurologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School. “You can usually work through it but they’re pretty annoying.”

The three most common types of headaches are: sinus headaches, cluster headaches, and tension headaches. Of these, tension headaches are the most common and are typically caused by stress, muscle strain, or anxiety.

On the other hand, a migraine is a recurrent, throbbing headache that often affects only one side of the head. In addition to pain behind the eyes or ears, migraines can cause nausea and vomiting, vision problems, and sensitivity to sounds and lights. Experts don’t know precisely what causes migraine, although some migraine sufferers can point to certain things that seem to trigger their migraines. “Family history is a big factor, but people have different sensitivities to different triggers,” says Bernstein. These other triggers can include age, sex, hormonal changes, food, alcohol, and poor sleep.

Migraines and light sensitivity

One of the most common symptoms of a migraine is an increased sensitivity to light, called migraine photophobia. This can be so pronounced that migraine sufferers often need total darkness to deal with the pain.

But a recent study published in the journal Brain: A Journal of Neurology suggests that certain colors of light might not be all bad. Researchers found that while migraine headaches are exacerbated by light in general, green light in particular might not be as disruptive as previously thought.

Throughout the study, researchers flashed different colors of light at people suffering from migraines to test changes in migraine intensity, pain rating, sensory perception, and the spread of the migraine from the original site.

Compared to red, blue, and white lights, green light reduced migraine intensity in more than 20% of patients. It was the only light that reduced pain intensity, while white, blue, and red significantly increased pain ratings and muscle tenderness. Finally, more patients described the migraine spreading beyond its point of origin when they were exposed to blue, amber, and red light compared to white and green light. “The green light was easier for people to tolerate, and some people even felt better after seeing it,” says Bernstein, who led the clinical side of the study. “Not everyone had the same response, but overall there were enough data to show green light was preferred.”

Although green light didn’t do anything to cure the headache, this study does open the door for more research and potential therapies using green light down the road.

How do we treat migraine headaches now?

Right now, green light might not be a viable migraine therapy. For now, medications that treat the symptoms of migraines, including pain and nausea, offer some relief.

However, physicians advise that the best option for treating a migraine is preventing one from occurring in the first place. Avoiding triggers, managing stress, and getting enough sleep are just a few of the steps people can take. But doctors advise that no one should suffer from migraines silently.

“People need to understand that there is treatment for acute migraines,” says Bernstein. “If they are impacting your life it is important to see someone who can specifically treat them.”

The post Shining a light on migraine relief appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Michaela Kane

Healing Words with Danielle Ofri, M.D., Ph.D.

From: Mayo Clinic

Alcohol: If you drink, keep it moderate

Drinking alcohol might offer some health benefits. But that's only if you drink responsibly and in moderation.


Heart failure




Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


New CDT 2017 on sale

The ADA released CDT 2017: Dental Procedure Codes on Aug. 30, a revised edition that features 11 new codes, five revised codes and one deleted code.


Wisconsin judge saves colleague's life with kidney donation

Judge Derek Mosley now has "a part of my best friend in me" after fellow Judge JoAnn Eiring donated her "huge kidney" to save his life


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Alcohol: If you drink, keep it moderate

Drinking alcohol might offer some health benefits. But that's only if you drink responsibly and in moderation.


Heart failure




Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Alcohol: If you drink, keep it moderate

Drinking alcohol might offer some health benefits. But that's only if you drink responsibly and in moderation.


Heart failure




Monday, August 29, 2016

Russian man volunteers for first human head transplant

While two surgeons are eager to perform the procedure, others say it's dangerous – "rotten scientifically and lousy ethically”


Many Depressed Adults Not Getting Treatment: Study

Reasons range from dismissal of symptoms to shame or stigma


An approach to therapy that may make depression treatment more accessible

It makes no difference that effective depression treatments exist if you don’t have access to them. Increasing the availability of behavioral treatments is a key challenge for the field of mental health care. A recent study has just suggested a way to do this. The research was published in The Lancet.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and behavioral activation (BA)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most researched non-medication treatment for depression. It’s been shown to be effective, yet access to CBT is limited. One reason is that there are not enough well-trained clinicians (usually psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists) to meet demand. And, training clinicians well is expensive. The upshot is that if you do have access to CBT, it is costly — either to you or your insurance company. Is there an alternative to CBT that could be more available and less costly to the system and individuals?

Researchers at the University of Exeter in Great Britain examined the effectiveness and cost of just such an alternative. It’s called behavioral activation (BA) and its focus is on actions — getting back to doing enjoyable activities as well as those that offer the opportunity to achieve a goal or improve a skill. BA also addresses the avoidance of certain activities (read: procrastination) that, when a person can actually do them, have an upside — for example, meeting new people or trying new activities. CBT involves changing behaviors, too (the “B” part). But, part of the process includes evaluating our thoughts, or cognitions (the “C” part), to see if we’re viewing ourselves, other people, our future, and the world around us accurately. Patients learn to challenge negative thinking — not to fool themselves into thinking everything’s okay, but to look at things more objectively.

A big difference between CBT and BA is that it’s easier to provide BA. Paraprofessionals can offer BA, whereas you need clinicians with more — and therefore more expensive — training to provide CBT.

Comparing behavioral activation and cognitive behavioral therapy

In this study, BA worked equally well as CBT (it was “non-inferior” to CBT), and was 21% less expensive because the providers were less expensive. The good news is that this form of depression treatment works as well as CBT, and is more affordable; therefore it should become available more broadly.

Here’s how the study worked. In just five days, the research team trained junior mental health workers to deliver BA. These workers had no prior training in mental health interventions. They also recruited therapists with extensive training in CBT and gave them a five-day workshop to ensure they would all follow the same CBT approach to depression treatment. (In this study, the CBT approach emphasized the “C” — cognitive therapy.) Investigators went on to ensure that all the providers (BA and CBT) were delivering the therapies correctly.

Study participants included 440 patients with major depressive disorder (that’s a large sample). Half received BA and half received CBT — 67% of the BA and 72% of the CBT patients completed at least eight sessions (a good completion rate). Twelve months after they started treatment, approximately 80% of patients in both groups no longer met the criteria for having major depressive disorder. That’s an encouraging success rate for both forms of therapy.

One caveat about this study was that there wasn’t a “no treatment” comparison group, so we don’t know how many patients would have improved on their own. But what’s especially interesting is that 78% of the participants were taking antidepressant medications and were still depressed before the study. These volunteers also averaged six to seven prior episodes of depression. That suggests that they probably would not have improved much without the BA or CBT.

Overall, this study is exciting because it suggests ways to treat depression that can reach the many people who need treatment but are having trouble getting it.

The post An approach to therapy that may make depression treatment more accessible appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: James Cartreine, PhD

ADA names members who earned Certificate for International Volunteer Service

Dr. Jack Levine, a New Haven, Connecticut-based dentist, had had a busy year.


Colgate sponsoring two free courses at ADA 2016

In partnership with the ADA, Colgate-Palmolive Company and Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals have created two free continuing education courses at ADA 2016 – America's Dental Meeting, both on Oct. 21.


Cheaper alternative to EpiPen may carry risks

For allergy sufferers at risk of anaphylactic shock, do-it-yourself syringes could fall short


3 Drugs Identified to Potentially Fight Zika Virus

But only one is already approved in the United States


Playing sports with concussion doubles recovery time

Continuing to play despite a concussion also leads to worse short-term mental function, new research shows


Your Rights, One Voice: Carol’s Story


It’s probably one of the worst fears there is for a parent of a child with diabetes: That their child could suddenly not have access to life-saving diabetes medications.

Legal_Advocacy_082916That is what happened to Carol. Her 31-year-old son Dan, who has had type 1 diabetes since age 18, was sentenced to 60 days at a Minnesota county jail for a misdemeanor offense. It may not seem like a very long time, but for someone with type 1 diabetes, 60 days of potentially receiving very poor diabetes care can be life-threatening.

Just 10 days after being incarcerated, Dan was already experiencing physical symptoms from constant high blood glucose levels. He was being denied access to appropriately timed insulin—and was being punished for demanding to see a nurse or requesting insulin. Dan was extremely anxious and felt helpless about his situation. He resorted to not eating in order to keep his blood glucose from going even higher. This resulted in jail officials deeming him a danger to himself and placing him in lock-up.

Dan was doing his best to advocate for himself from within the facility. On three different occasions, he filed grievances about the lack of diabetes care, and those grievances were refused. He requested to be taken to the emergency room because of how ill he was feeling (weakness, blurry vision, back and side pain that he associated with his kidneys, etc.) and that was also refused.

Carol used the facility’s online system to put money in a phone account for Dan, so he could call and inform her of what was going on. Dan was scared and begged for help. He told his mother this was the worst situation he’d ever been in. He had never felt as ill because of his diabetes as he did when he was in jail, and he feared for his life and well-being.

Carol, too, was trying to advocate for better care for her son from her home in Michigan, but to no avail. She had Dan’s personal doctor send his prescribed insulin regimen and medicine to the jail in an effort to educate the jail medical unit. Carol also spoke with jail officials and was told that they limit insulin in order to protect staff and themselves from liability. Carol also spoke with the Sheriff on two occasions, but those conversations were not productive.

Aside from the poor diabetes care he was receiving, Dan was also denied access to a work release program that the judge approved him for—a program that would have allowed him an earlier release from jail. Officials were denying him access because his blood glucose levels were too high, a condition that they were responsible for causing and that only they could correct.

All of this amounted to one thing: Dan was being discriminated against because of his diabetes. He went five weeks without proper diabetes care. It was a horrifying experience.

Then, Dan told Carol about a time that he fainted in front of other inmates and guards; rather than get him medical help, the guards removed him and put him in isolation. That’s when she called the American Diabetes Association® for help for her son.

Carol spoke to a Legal Advocate who gave her information about her son’s rights and guidance on how to move forward. The Legal Advocate also sent information directly to Dan and referred the case to Tim Phillips, a Minnesota attorney who is a member of the Association’s Advocacy Attorney Network.

Dan used the information and sample language provided by the Legal Advocate to write a fourth grievance, which was finally accepted by jail officials. At the same time, Phillips sent letters to the Sheriff’s office and to the jail’s medical unit demanding adequate care and access for Dan.

Immediately, Dan began receiving his insulin as prescribed, including corrective insulin, and blood glucose checks as needed. His health improved and he was allowed work release for the last few weeks of his sentence.

Phillips was very pleased that jail officials finally decided to do the right thing. He encourages other attorneys to take on these cases: “Prisons and jails aren’t safe for anyone. Attorneys should intervene on behalf of people whose rights are violated, whether by writing letters or filing lawsuits.”

Dan did not stop there. He shared the information he received from the Association with other detainees with type 1 who were not receiving adequate diabetes care. He talked to them about their options and used the materials to educate them about their rights.

“This is when he learned how important it is to have a family member or someone on the outside to assist with making contact with administrators, sheriff, prosecutor, among others,” Carol says of her son. “So many inmates do not have the benefit of a caring family member or friends.”

“Thank you [ADA] so much for all your help in getting him the help he needed during his time in [the] Minnesota jail system. We are both very appreciative of your efforts, calls, referrals and materials that gave Dan a voice in his diabetes care during incarceration.”

The American Diabetes Association leads the effort to prevent and eliminate discrimination against people with diabetes at school, at work and in other parts of daily life. If you need help, call 1-800-DIABETES or visit

Learn about the rights of individuals in detention and strategies to obtain adequate medical care.

Give the gift of fairness — donate now to help people with diabetes facing discrimination, just like Dan.

donate now

From: American Diabetes Association

USDA Announces $18.9 Million to Improve Research Facilities at 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant Colleges and Universities

GREENSBORO, N.C., Aug. 29, 2016 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) today announced $18.9 million in renewal awards to build or improve agricultural and food science research facilities and equipment at historically black Land-Grant Colleges and Universities.


Mayo Clinic Minute: Back to School Concussion Screening

From: Mayo Clinic

More parents believe vaccines are unnecessary

The percentage of pediatricians who refuse to see patients over repeated vaccine refusals is also growing


Many with depression have something else in common

Health officials have recommended routine screening for depression, but often those who need treatment don't get it


Friendships Matter if You Want to Lose Weight

Study found overweight people more likely to shed pounds if they spend time with thin friends


Take Special Care With This Contact Lens Solution

Product requires a neutralizing step to prevent stinging, burning, FDA says


Same-sex couple sues N.J. over fertility health coverage law

A lesbian couple in New Jersey says they were unfairly prevented from getting health insurance coverage for infertility treatments. The married women are now suing over the very specific way the state law defines infertility. Elaine Quijano speaks to the couple about their painful experiences trying to have a child.


Elmo's Mayo Clinic story

From: Mayo Clinic

Eye Opener at 8: Arrests made in shooting death of NBA star's cousin

A look back at what we've been covering on "CBS This Morning." Subscribe to get the Eye Opener delivered straight to your inbox.


EpiPen maker announces major move amid pricing outrage

Pharmaceutical company Mylan to offer generic version of critical drug to allergy sufferers, cutting cost in half


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Music and the Brain

"Music and the Brain" is an educational program created by Lisha Lercari, an educator on a mission to promote the creative benefits of teaching music to young children. Michelle Miller reports.


Artist puts focus on children with rare diseases

Thousands of rare diseases have no treatment options; with so few people suffering from them, most researchers and pharmaceutical companies see no incentive for developing cures. Artist Lucas Kolasa has put together an art exhibit that puts faces to these rare, fatal diseases affecting children. Jim Axelrod reports.


Putting a face on rare, incurable diseases

Lucas Kolasa is an artist and curator of Beyond the Diagnosis, an exhibition of portraits of children facing illnesses for which there are no known cures


Lawmakers blast Mylan's EpiPen coupons as "PR move"

Lawmakers are asking EpiPen maker Mylan tough questions after its massive price increases. The company has tried to ease concerns by announcing programs to help families cover the cost of the life-saving device for severe allergies. But Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings said in a statement: "Nobody is buying this PR move." Vinita Nair reports.


Saturday, August 27, 2016

Obama steps up pressure on Congress for Zika funding

President blasts Republicans in Congress for refusing to approve requested amount to fight against Zika


The Dish: Chef Michael Chernow

Chef Michael Chernow got his start working in restaurants as a teenager. In 2009, the lifelong New Yorker and his childhood friend, Daniel Holzman, opened their first "Meatball Shop" in New York City. Five more locations followed, and now, Chernow is bringing local seafood to the city with his new restaurant, "Seamore's." Chef Chernow joins "CBS This Morning: Saturday" to share his story and signature dishes.


Morning Rounds: Man reflects on historic face transplant one year later

In this Morning Rounds series, CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook speaks to the former American firefighter who received a groundbreaking face transplant last year. Also, he is joined by Dr. Tara Narula on "CBS This Morning: Saturday" to discuss the growing battle against Zika and the link between genetics and coffee consumption.


Eye Opener: Democrats push Donald Trump on race as he courts Latinos

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton accuse each other of bigotry in a rush of new attacks. Also, France is fashioning a new balance between security and personal freedom with the overturn of a burkini ban. All that and all that matters in today's Eye Opener. Your world in 90 seconds. Get the Eye Opener delivered straight to your inbox.


Friday, August 26, 2016

8/26: FDA: All blood donations should be tested for Zika; WWII vet runs 3,000 miles across the U.S.

The FDA took an extraordinary step Friday, ordering all U.S. blood banks to begin screening for Zika; Ernie Andrus is 93 years old and just finished a three-year run across the country.


FDA: All blood donations should be tested for Zika

The FDA took an extraordinary step Friday, ordering all U.S. blood banks to begin screening for Zika. So far local infection cases have only been found in Florida, but the administration wants testing even in places where the virus is not present. Dr. Tara Narula explains what this means.


Baby born with Zika virus is medical mystery

A baby born in Miami with Zika virus, despite showing no signs of it before birth, has medical professionals stumped


Doctors puzzled by baby born with Zika virus

Eight-week-old Micela is a medical mystery. She was exposed to the Zika virus in the womb, and was born with slight damage to one eye and stiffness on one side of her body. Now doctors are working to determine her prognosis. David Begnaud reports.


Judge won't block strict child vaccination law in California

State requires all schoolchildren be vaccinated and is one of the strictest in nation for eliminating exemptions based on religious, personal beliefs


Zika spread through sex by symptom-free man

In the first case of its kind in the U.S., Zika was spread by someone who wasn't showing any symptoms of the virus


What people really think of men with hair transplants

A new survey asked people to compare side-by-side photos to gauge the impact of this cosmetic procedure


#AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Gastroenterology

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Ranked No. 1 by U.S. News & World Report

From: Mayo Clinic

Study says men are more attractive with hair

A new survey finds hair transplants really can make men look younger. Dr. David Cangello joins CBSN to talk about cosmetic surgery for balding men.


How Safe Is Your Tattoo Ink?

tattoo needle

Before you get that dolphin tattooed on your ankle or "Mom" on your bicep, be warned: The ink used in tattoos may be harmful -- even years later.


FDA: All Blood Donations Should Be Tested for Zika

Updated guidance provides further protection for U.S. blood supply


Preseason Practice Heat Risky for Football Players

Coaches, trainers need to be aware of heat illness symptoms, study suggests


Sex Partner With No Zika Symptoms Transmits Virus

New report also highlights ties between Zika and Guillain-Barre


K2 drug users "playing a game of Russian roulette"

EMS chief warns of "lethal combination" as dozens of people are treated for bad reactions to the synthetic drug in Austin, Texas


Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine – This is more than a game. This is our goal.

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine – This is more than a game. This is our goal.

From: Mayo Clinic

Healing Words with Michael Milligan

From: Mayo Clinic

Doctors Divided on Safety, Use of E-Cigarettes

When patients ask about safety and using e-cigarettes to stop smoking, doctors' advice differs


Many Medicaid-enrolled children with preventable dental conditions getting surgical treatment

Many children have preventable dental conditions that are not treated until they need surgical care in hospital operating rooms or ambulatory surgery centers.


Bullying: Help your child handle a bully

If your child is being bullied, get involved. Find out what's happening — and know how to respond.


Baby Simulators Don't Deter Teen Pregnancy

Schools should think twice about sending girls home with simulator baby, study suggests


FDA says blood supply should be screened for Zika

Officials are taking new steps to check blood donations as Zika continues to spread in Florida


What are teens vaping? Some experts are surprised

A new study suggests most teen e-cigarette users are attracted by something other than nicotine


Even a Little Exercise May Help Stave Off Dementia

Sedentary seniors more likely to suffer mental decline, study finds


Early Virus Raises Asthma Risk in Certain Kids

Infants with a particular gene variant appear more vulnerable after infection


Synthetic Fentanyl Fueling Rise in OD Deaths: CDC

U.S. Surgeon General urges doctors to join the fight against opioid addiction epidemic


Photographer documents her grandmother's last days

A story that is both sad and familiar, echoed in every family, in every country


EpiPen maker slammed for "PR move" in price controversy

Meanwhile, Mylan CEO tried to reframe the debate on how the prices of the life-saving device rose from about $100 to more than $600


Sarah Jessica Parker cuts ties with EpiPen over price hikes

The actress, whose son has severe allergies, says she's “disappointed, saddened and deeply concerned” by company's actions


Saving lives by prescribing naloxone with opioid painkillers

Opioid drugs help relieve pain by sticking to opioid receptors in the body, which in turn, helps block “pain signals.” The umbrella term “opioids” includes prescription painkillers, such as hydrocodone (in Vicodin) or oxycodone (in Percocet), as well as heroin. These drugs not only ease pain and cause pleasurable feelings, but also can depress breathing — take too much and a person can stop breathing altogether and will die without quick treatment.

Unintentional overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. As more Americans are prescribed opioids for chronic pain, these medications increasingly find their way into the community. This has led to a rise in the non-medical use of these drugs.  In 2014, 10.3 million people reported taking prescription opioids that were not prescribed for them, or for reasons other than the condition the medication was intended to treat. As a result, emergency department visits related to the misuse of prescription opioids have tripled, and deaths related to prescription opioids have quadrupled since the early 2000s.

We desperately need ways to prevent these accidental deaths.

What is naloxone?

Naloxone, also called Narcan, is a medication that immediately reverses the effects of opioids in the brain. As a result, it can rescue someone from an overdose instantly. It can be given as a nasal spray or a muscular injection (like an Epi-pen used for severe allergic reactions). Its use among people who use illegal opioids has reduced the number of deaths due to overdose. Anyone with a minimal amount of training can give the naloxone, and it won’t cause harm if given to someone who has not taken opioids. Early on, there were concerns that the availability of naloxone might increase opioid use. That has not turned out to be the case, in part because the drug causes an unpleasant sensation of withdrawal when given to someone who has used opioids. Naloxone programs have proved successful, but they typically are intended for people who use non-prescribed opioids.

Can naloxone help protect people taking prescribed opioids?

But people who use opioids prescribed by their doctors are also at risk of overdose. Is there a role for naloxone serve as a safeguard for these patients?

A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine explored the potential benefits of prescribing naloxone along with opioids — an approach called “co-prescribing.” Here’s how it works. Providers educate patients who take opioids for chronic pain about the risks of overdose and teach them how to use naloxone. And then prescribe both drugs at the same time.

In this study, researchers trained staff at six clinics in the San Francisco area on how to co-prescribe opioids and naloxone. They then looked at how often naloxone was actually prescribed, whether co-prescribing translated in fewer emergency department visits related to opioids, and whether the dose of prescribed opioids changed. Here’s what the study found:

  • When providers were trained in this approach, the number of naloxone prescriptions increased. So doctors seemed willing to co-prescribe.
  • Patients who were on higher dosages of opioids or had been to the emergency department in the past year because of opioids were more likely to get prescribed naloxone.
  • Compared to the people who did not receive a naloxone prescription, those who did had 47% fewer emergency department visits per month in the subsequent six months.
  • Receiving naloxone had no effect on the dose of prescribed opioids.

Putting the results into action

The results of this study suggest that naloxone may help curb the potentially devastating risks of opioid misuse — and that doctors are willing to prescribe it along with opioids.

There’s more encouraging news. Co-prescribing seems like a viable option. A relatively brief training for providers was enough to result in a third of patients on opioids for chronic pain receiving a naloxone prescription. The fact that those on higher dosages and with previous ER visits were more likely to get a prescription likely means that providers were particularly willing to co-prescribe to patients they perceived to be at high risk. However, doctors appeared less likely to co-prescribe for their elderly or black patients. Given that overdoses occur among all ages and ethnicities, this is a concern and highlights the need for more uniform protocols to ensure naloxone is made available to all patients at risk. The reduction in emergency visits is particularly interesting and may be due to the positive effects of simply talking explicitly about overdose and medication risks. It could also be because having naloxone on hand meant patients didn’t need to go to the emergency department for an overdose.

Given the relative safety of naloxone and the death toll from opioids across this country, co-prescription of naloxone with opioid pain medication makes a lot of practical sense. Any opportunity to discuss the risks of opioids, how to identify and respond to an overdose, and how to use naloxone is beneficial. These discussions are important not just for patients taking opioids for chronic pain, but also for their friends, family, and community members.

With greater availability of naloxone, anyone can save a life.

The post Saving lives by prescribing naloxone with opioid painkillers appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Sarah Wakeman, MD, FASAM, Medical Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Substance Use Disorder Initiative

CDC announces $3 million in awards to strengthen chronic disease, oral health program collaborations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has awarded $3 million in funding to six state health departments in an effort to strengthen collaborations.


Canadian hospital dog trained to sniff out deadly superbugs

According to the CDC, even many of the nation's leading medical institutions are losing the battle against superbugs. The most common bacteria, known as C. diff, is considered a "hazard level urgent," costing the health care industry as much as $5 billion a year. But one hospital in Vancouver, Canada, came up with a dog-sniffing approach to the crisis. John Blackstone reports.


Family "in shock" after brain-dead toddler taken off life support

Brain-dead California toddler died after being taken off life support under a judge's order, bringing a sudden end to a complex legal battle that had appeared it was going to go on much longer


Bullying: Help your child handle a bully

If your child is being bullied, get involved. Find out what's happening — and know how to respond.


Lawmakers blast Mylan's EpiPen coupons as "PR move"

Lawmakers are asking EpiPen maker Mylan tough questions after its massive price increases. The company has tried to ease concerns by announcing programs to help families cover the cost of the life-saving device for severe allergies. But Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings said in a statement: "Nobody is buying this PR move." Vinita Nair reports.


Meet the canine hospital worker who sniffs out danger of superbugs

A dog trainer was inspired to train Angus the springer spaniel to track down superbugs after she nearly died from the drug-resistant bacteria


Bullying: Help your child handle a bully

If your child is being bullied, get involved. Find out what's happening — and know how to respond.


Bullying: Help your child handle a bully

If your child is being bullied, get involved. Find out what's happening — and know how to respond.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


8/25: Trump doubles down on calling Clinton a bigot; National Park Service celebrates 100th anniversary

Admission fees are being waived at all 412 national parks for the weekend as the National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary; The presidential election got ugly in an unprecedented way on Thursday as both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump accused each other of bigotry.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Elephant tranquilizer blamed for recent wave of heroin overdoses

Addicts often don't know what is mixed into the heroin they've picked up from their dealer. Drugs like carfentanil and fentanyl are being used more often in these mixes, and the added potency is leading to more overdoses. Anna Werner has more.


EpiPen maker responds to price-hike criticism

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch went on the offensive Thursday as the company announced it would provide consumers a discount for the EpiPen. The pharmaceutical company has raised the price of the life-saving device by 500% since 2009. Vinita Nair reports.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


The True Cost of EpiPen Coupons


Facing public outrage over the price of its EpiPen auto-injectors, the drug company Mylan announced Thursday it was taking action to make the product more affordable.


Dozens of Ohio overdoses blamed on heroin mixed with elephant tranquilizer

Carfentanil is an opioid 100 times more potent than fentanyl​ and 10,000 times more potent than morphine


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Making Mayo's Recipes Avacado Aioli

From: Mayo Clinic

Addict describes overdosing on carfentanil

Carfentanil, a drug so powerful it's used as an elephant tranquilizer, is being blamed for dozens of overdoses. It is about 10,000 times more potent than morphine. Kevin McCutcheon, a long-time addict, believes he inadvertently ingested the drug -- and it nearly killed him.


Did teen pregnancy prevention class have opposite effect?

Pretend poopy diapers and hunger cries from a baby doll in a pregnancy prevention class may have backfired


Amphetamines Polluting Some Urban Streams: Study

Concentration of drugs may be high enough to cause ecological changes, researchers say


Autism-Linked Genes Often Differ Between Siblings

Findings suggest developmental disorder's causes may be even more complex


U.S. Beef Exports Continue to Outperform Pre-BSE Levels

Following the discovery of a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in December 2003, U.S. beef and beef product exports fell. Since 2003, USDA has led a multi-agency, full-court press, dedicating significant resources to restore foreign market access for U.S. beef. As a result, U.S. beef shipments had regained pre-BSE volumes by 2011 and even reached record values by 2014. Another central element of the U.S. strategy to maintain and expand foreign market access is insistence on policies that are based on the guidelines of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).


Statement by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Latest Quarterly Export Forecasts for 2016 and 2017

WASHINGTON, Aug. 25, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today issued the following statement on the first forecast for U.S. agricultural exports for fiscal year 2017 and a revised forecast for fiscal year 2016. Both forecasts indicate U.S. agricultural exports have begun to rally and will continue the record-setting pace that began in 2009.


Register now for Aug. 30 webinar, Understanding Section 1557

The ADA will host a free webinar Aug. 30 for members and dental society staff with questions about compliance with Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.


Whiston Award winners demonstrate leadership in dentistry, community

The ADA Foundation in August named two Missourians as the recipients of the 2016 Dr. David Whiston Leadership Awards.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Advice doctors give their own kids before college

Here's what doctors want their children to know about sex, alcohol and other challenges and health hazards they'll have to navigate in college life


Phthalates: What’s All the Fuss?

Members of this chemical family are in food, drinks, and hundreds of things we use every day. Are they bad for us?


New Local Zika Case Reported in Florida

Latest one in Palm Beach County brings state total to 43; scientists predict 400 cases by summer's end


Survey: Hair Transplants Make Men Look Younger

Study supports notion that balding men appear older, less attractive


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Coffee cravings? It may be in your DNA

Researchers have identified a gene variant that could affect your coffee-drinking habits


Serious Heart Problem a Family Matter

If a relative has had an aortic dissection, you could too, study says
