Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Baby with microcephaly from Zika born at N.J. hospital

Hospital officials confirm a woman who contracted the Zika virus internationally gave birth to a baby with the birth defect

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fbaby-with-microcephaly-from-zika-virus-born-at-new-jersey-hospital%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Alleged illegal drug use on "The Biggest Loser" investigated

L.A. County Sheriff's investigators confirm they are probing possible illegal drug use on the set of the popular weight loss reality show

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Falleged-illegal-drug-use-on-the-biggest-loser-investigated%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

General Mills recalls 10M pounds of flour over possible E. coli link

Recall is for several varieties of Gold Medal and Signature Kitchens flour; check if your product is affected

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Debate rages over parental role in gorilla incident

Bloggers, celebrities, even presidential candidates weigh in on the zoo tragedy and parental responsibility

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fgorilla-harambe-death-cincinnati-zoo-debate-on-parents-role%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

The science of parenting: What makes good moms, dads?

A new study looks at valuable insights that can be gleaned from family members' differing opinions on what makes a good parent

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fthe-science-of-parenting-whos-the-best-judge-of-moms-and-dads%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO issues stricter sex guidelines for Zika virus

Officials are urging women who have been in areas hit by the virus to wait longer to conceive

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fwho-issues-stricter-sex-guidelines-to-prevent-zika-transmission%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Early Alzheimer's Linked to Brain 'Leakage'

Normally, blood-brain barrier prevents this from happening

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Falzheimers%2Fnews%2F20160531%2Fearly-alzheimers-linked-to-brain-leakage%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Kids' Concussion Rates May Be Higher Than Thought

Study finds that most cases are first tended to at doctors' offices, not hospital ERs

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fchildren%2Fnews%2F20160531%2Fkids-concussion-rates-may-be-higher-than-thought%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Teen dies during illegal female circumcision

Egyptian girl and her twin sister underwent the surgery on Saturday; her twin lived

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fegyptian-teen-manar-moussa-dies-during-illegal-female-circumcision%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Sex-Transmitted Zika More Common Than Thought: WHO

Women planning to become pregnant should wait 8 weeks if they or partner live in areas where infections are occurring

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fnews%2F20160531%2Fzika-infections-through-sex-more-common-than-thought-who%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Scans: Brain Region Misfires in Depressed People

Contrary to previous thinking, the habenula is less active during unpleasant experiences

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fdepression%2Fnews%2F20160531%2Fscans-spot-brain-region-that-misfires-in-depressed-people%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Most Smokers Don't Stick With E-Cigarettes

'Vaping' only replaces tobacco use for a small group of people, study finds

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fsmoking-cessation%2Fnews%2F20160531%2Fmost-smokers-dont-stick-with-e-cigarettes%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Could a change to the packaging help stop tobacco use?

Plain packaging "kills the glamour, which is appropriate for a product that kills people," officials say

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fun-calls-for-plain-packaging-to-curb-tobacco-use%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Health officials confirm measles outbreak in Arizona

The outbreak began with an inmate at a federal detention center for immigrants and has since grown

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Mayo Clinic Minute: Sun Allergy

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DkkA1lfojJ6c&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

New study says that it’s okay to let babies cry at night

Follow me at @drClaire

When my eldest was a baby, I remember feeling so torn when she cried during the night. Our pediatrician and my mother both said that it was okay to let her cry for a while and let her learn to go back to sleep. But as I listened to her cry, I wondered: Will this make her too stressed? Will it damage her emotionally? Will it ruin our relationship?

The answer to all of those questions, according to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics, is no. Not only that, if I’d done it (I didn’t, I was too worried), my daughter and I might have gotten a bunch more sleep.

Researchers from Australia worked with families who said that their babies (ages 6-16 months) had a sleep problem. They divided the families into three groups. One was told to do “graduated extinction,” during which they let the baby cry first just for a minute before going in and interacting with them, and then gradually increased the amount of time they let them cry. Another group did something called “bedtime fading,” where they told the parents to delay bedtime so that the babies were more tired. The last group was the “control” group and got education on babies and sleep, but nothing else.

To measure the effects on the babies, the researchers did something interesting: they measured the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the babies’ saliva. They also asked the mothers about their levels of stress. Twelve months later, they looked for any emotional or behavioral problems in the babies, and they also did testing to see how attached the babies were to their mothers.

Here’s what they found. The babies in the graduated extinction group and the bedtime fading group both fell asleep faster and had less stress than the control group — and not only that, their mothers were less stressed than the control group mothers. Of the three groups, the extinction group babies were less likely to wake up again during the night. And when it came to emotional or behavioral problems, or attachment, all three groups were the same.

This means that it’s okay to let your baby cry a little. It’s not only okay, it may lead to more sleep all around. Which makes everyone happier.

In another study published about four years ago, researchers looked even further out than a year. They compared families who did sleep training and families who didn’t and followed them for six years. There was no difference between the two groups. Whether parents let babies cry or got up all night to hold them, the kids turned out the same.

We can get sleep and still have well-adjusted kids who love us. How great is that?

Just to be clear, “graduated extinction” doesn’t mean letting your kid cry all night. It just means that you slowly but surely help your baby learn to soothe himself when he wakes up at night, instead of always relying on you to do it. (Dr. Richard Ferber has a great book called Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems that explains all of this and is very helpful.)

It’s a natural instinct to want to stop your baby from crying. But sometimes, milestones in life involve some crying — whether it’s learning to fall back to sleep, learning to walk (there’s always a tumble), starting daycare or school (leaving parents is hard), making friends (kids can be mean), playing sports (you don’t always win), or learning to drive (oh, wait, it’s the parents who cry with that one). Never letting our children cry doesn’t help them; in fact, it can end up hurting them.

And let’s face it: getting sleep helps us be better parents.

If your baby is waking up crying at night, talk to your doctor. There are lots of reasons babies cry at night. But if your doctor tells you that everything is okay, don’t feel that you have to respond to every single cry.

Your baby will be fine.

The post New study says that it’s okay to let babies cry at night appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Claire McCarthy, MD http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.health.harvard.edu%2Fblog%2Fnew-study-says-okay-let-babies-cry-night-201605319774&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

USDA Unveils New Improvement to Streamline Crop Reporting

WASHINGTON, May 31, 2016 – U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced that farmers and ranchers filing crop acreage reports with the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and participating insurance providers approved by the Risk Management Agency (RMA) now can provide the common information from their acreage reports at one office and the information will be electronically shared with the other location.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usda.gov%2Fwps%2Fportal%2Fusda%2Fusdahome%3Fcontentid%3D2016%2F05%2F0133.xml%26contentidonly%3Dtrue&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Lifestyle May Be Key to Improving ADHD in Kids

Healthier habits related to exercise and diet could help many with the disorder, researcher says

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fadd-adhd%2Fchildhood-adhd%2Fnews%2F20160530%2Flifestyle-may-be-key-to-improving-adhd-in-kids%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

World No Tobacco Day, 31 May 2016: Get ready for plain packaging

30 May 2016 – To mark World No Tobacco Day, WHO is launching a new guide to plain packaging of tobacco products, which gives governments the latest evidence and guidance on implementing the measure.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fentity%2Fmediacentre%2Fnews%2Freleases%2F2016%2Fworld-no-tobacco-day%2Fen%2Findex.html&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Meditation helps retiree find her "next chapter"

Rochelle Udell spent almost 50 years working in the hard-charging worlds of advertising and magazine publishing, and needed help finding her focus and purpose when it was time to retire

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Meditation helps retiree find her "encore"

Studies have shown mindfulness meditation may boost brain health, and it helps some ease the transition to retirement

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fmeditation-retirement-brain-health%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Monday, May 30, 2016

Buprenorphine implants; A new implant treatment for addicts

Addiction to opiods including painkillers and heroin claims nearly 29,000 American lives each year

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fbuprenorphine-implants-a-new-implant-treatment-for-addicts%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

New treatment gives hope for those with opioid addiction

A new treatment for opioid addicts -- using implants -- should be available by the end of next month; for some addicts the treatment seems promising

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fnew-treatment-gives-hope-for-those-with-opioid-addiction%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Horses help veterans cope with PTSD through unique therapy

Spending time walking and grooming the animals helps bring a sense of peace, vets say

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fhorses-help-veterans-cope-with-ptsd-through-unique-therapy%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Drowning risks: Even kiddie pools pose danger

Parents must stay vigilant around any swimming area, experts say

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fdrowning-risks-even-kiddie-pools-pose-danger%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Expert tips on how to choose the right sunscreen

A guide to the sometimes confusing sunscreen market of lotions and sprays with various ingredients

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fexpert-tips-on-how-to-choose-the-right-sunscreen%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Finally allowed 2nd child, older Chinese parents turn to IVF

China's decision to allow all married couples to have two children is driving up demand for fertility treatment

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Ffinally-allowed-2nd-child-older-chinese-parents-turn-to-ivf%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Honolulu schools to let kids with lice stay in class

Experts say it's unnecessary and unfair to keep children out of school for head lice, but parents aren't happy with the decision

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fhonolulu-schools-to-let-kids-with-lice-stay-in-class%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Dr. David Agus: Cellphone cancer risk not "cause for alarm"

A new study on cellphone radiation is raising cancer fears

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fdr-david-agus-cellphone-cancer-risk-not-cause-for-alarm%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Colon cancer cases in patients under 50 on the rise

A new study finds colon cancer rates are declining overall, but among American's under 50 years old - a group not normally considered at risk - the rates are increasing

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fcolon-cancer-cases-in-patients-under-50-on-the-rise%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

New study finds colon cancer rates rising among those under 50

Current guidelines suggest starting routine screening for colon cancer at age 50; but new study finds rates increasing among those under 50

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fnew-study-finds-colon-cancer-rates-rising-among-those-under-50%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

#IDriveMyHealth: Amanda’s Story

D2SD_ 2016_5-19v2

Nearly three in four NASCAR® fans are impacted by diabetes, which affects approximately 30 million people nationwide. The Drive to Stop DiabetesSM campaign, presented by Lilly Diabetes in collaboration with American Diabetes Association®, strives to empower Americans with diabetes to live well. The face of the campaign, NASCAR XFINITY Series driver Ryan Reed, has type 1 diabetes and is an inspiration for all people with the disease.


D2SD_ 2016_5-19v2Holding the cold microphone in my hand for the first time at age 6, I looked out at the crowd and I was hooked. I knew I wanted to sing and entertain people for the rest of my life. I was already performing and entertaining to anyone who would listen. Yes, I was that kid.

Hi, my name is Amanda Jo. I am a country music singer and songwriter from Nashville, Tennessee. I am also a person with type 1 diabetes.

I will never forget the day my dad picked me up from school and took me to the doctor to get a routine checkup, 16 years ago. While my dad and I saw the doctor, my mom spoke with her friend on the phone. She told her friend: “I’m sure she’s fine. It’s not like she has diabetes or anything.”

Another phone call came in later that afternoon, one that would change my life. I had type 1 diabetes. I was fortunate that they had caught it early. My blood sugar was only in the 250s at diagnosis—I was still early in the honeymoon stages of the disease.

Although the diagnosis came as a complete shock to my family, I quickly decided to not let it stop me from following my dreams of becoming a country music singer. I moved to Nashville with a dream in my heart, a car full of belongings and an insulin pump on my side. Since that time, I’ve recorded an album full of my stories, travelled all over the United States and performed on hundreds of stages. I am living my dream.

Managing diabetes as a country music singer can be complicated. I’ve learned to be prepared for anything. Finding healthy meals is challenging on the road—it’s very unpredictable. I make sure to have plenty of snacks and glucose sources on hand in case I can’t eat meals on time. I also make a conscious effort to stay hydrated; zero-calorie fitness drinks are my preferred choice.

The most important tools I use to manage my diabetes are my insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor. The ability to know what my blood sugar is and the direction it’s headed at the push of a button is lifesaving. I am able to quickly peek at my CGM on stage without anyone seeing. I can make small adjustments via my insulin pump . . . and continue on with the show.

D2SD_ 2016_5-19I was first introduced to Ryan Reed and the Drive to Stop Diabetes campaign after his 2015 win at Daytona. The more I found out about Ryan and his story, the more I felt connected to him. He is another person with type 1 diabetes who leads an active lifestyle. I love that he did not let the disease interfere with his dream of being a NASCAR driver. He also reaches out to others with diabetes to encourage them to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle and follow their dreams.

I live a fun-filled and crazy life. I wake up in different cities at different times, play music for new crowds and meet new people almost every day. The highs and lows of diabetes are not always simple to manage with my adventurous life. But I refuse to let it stop me from doing what I truly love. Why would I?

My biggest #IDriveMyHealth recommendation is this: Don’t let diabetes stop you from following your dreams.

Look out for me the next time I’m on the road in your hometown!


Are you a NASCAR fan impacted by diabetes? Share your healthy lifestyle tips with us on social media, using #IDriveMyHealth.

To learn more about the Drive to Stop Diabetes campaign and find out how to get involved, visit http://diabetes.org/drive.

From: American Diabetes Association http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetesstopshere.org%2F2016%2F05%2F29%2Fi-drive-my-health-amanda%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Boy with neurological disorder battles bullying

Trevor Harris has Tourette syndrome. It's a neurological disorder that causes uncontrollable movements and outbursts called tics. The 12-year-old student is using his tics to teach lessons to his peers and spearhead an anti-bullying campaign.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fboy-with-neurological-disorder-battles-bullying%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

​Boy uses Tourette syndrome to teach others not to bully

"Everybody has a different flaw, and it's just -- why won't you accept me for me?" 12-year-old Trevor Harris says in PSA

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fboy-uses-tourette-syndrome-to-teach-others-not-to-bully%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Health experts call for Summer Olympics to move over Zika

The Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro are just 10 weeks away, but a large group of medical professionals are pushing for the games to not go on as scheduled.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fhealth-experts-call-for-summer-olympics-to-move-over-zika%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly closes

The Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly closed on 28 May 2016 after approving resolutions on WHO’s Framework for Engagement with Non-State Actors; the Sustainable Development Goals; the International Health Regulations.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fentity%2Fmediacentre%2Fnews%2Freleases%2F2016%2Fwha69-28-may-2016%2Fen%2Findex.html&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO : Attacks on health care

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6LNiQv-tU-o&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Morning Rounds: New study uncovers alarming trend in colon cancer rates

CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook and CBS News contributor Dr.Holly Phillips joins "CBS This Morning: Saturday" to discuss a new study uncovering an alarming trend in colon cancer rates in people under age 50

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fmorning-rounds-new-study-uncovers-alarming-trend-in-colon-cancer-rates%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Latest study on possible links between cell phones, cancer

New evidence has emerged about whether there is any connection between cell phone use and an increase in the chance of developing cancer

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Flatest-study-on-possible-links-between-cell-phones-cancer%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO public health advice regarding the Olympics and Zika virus

WHO Public Health Advice Regarding the Olympics and Zika virus

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fentity%2Fmediacentre%2Fnews%2Freleases%2F2016%2Fzika-health-advice-olympics%2Fen%2Findex.html&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Friday, May 27, 2016

Health experts: Move Rio Olympics due to Zika outbreak

150 health experts urge World Health Organization to postpone or relocate Rio Games "in the name of public health"

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fhealth-experts-urge-who-to-move-postpone-rio-olympics-zika-virus%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Sun safety tips for "Don't Fry Day"

This Memorial Day weekend, follow these steps to protect yourself while having fun in the sun

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fsun-safety-tips-for-dont-fry-day%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

What makes a happy, healthy life?

Seventy-five year study reveals what's "as important" as avoiding cigarettes and excessive drinking to your well-being

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fharvard-study-reveals-what-makes-happy-healthy-life-for-men%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Extreme fitness in pregnancy: How much exercise is OK?

Instagram star and mom-to-be's bikini photos spark questions

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fextreme-fitness-during-pregnancy-how-much-exercise-is-safe%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Experts Question Study Linking Cellphones, Cancer

Rodents exposed to phone radiation actually lived longer than unexposed animals, reviewers point out

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fcancer%2Fnews%2F20160527%2Fnih-experts-cast-doubt-on-rat-study-linking-cellphones-tumors%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Smoking During Pregnancy and Schizophrenia Risk

Scientists measured evidence of exposure in the womb and found an association, but not proof

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fbaby%2Fnews%2F20160527%2Fis-smoking-during-pregnancy-tied-to-offsprings-schizophrenia-risk%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Study reignites concern about cellphones and cancer

New research links cellphone radiation to certain types of cancer in rats, but what does this mean for humans?

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fcellphones-and-cancer-study-reignites-concern%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

It’s Mosquito Season: The 411 on Repellents

Insect Repellent

Mosquito repellents are safe, so you should use them. And there are more choices than ever. WebMD breaks down your options.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fallergies%2Fnews%2F20160527%2Fmosquito-repellents-faq%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Exploring Zika's Path Through the Placenta

Researchers find the virus can replicate in immune cells

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fnews%2F20160527%2Fexploring-zikas-path-through-the-placenta%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Officials: U.S. Superbug Resists All Antibiotics

Pennsylvania case suggests it's almost 'the end of the road' for these drugs

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fnews%2F20160527%2Fus-officials-confirm-superbug-resistant-to-all-antibiotics%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: WHA 69 - Public health prizes awarded

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DF1I8M1F9McY&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Project SEARCH at Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DXYIB2V2LKjI&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Stella’s Story

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DN5EYA3rqM7g&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

The risks of active surveillance for men with intermediate-risk prostate cancers

Men diagnosed with slow-growing prostate tumors that likely won’t be harmful during their lifetimes can often avoid immediate treatment. Instead, they can have their tumor monitored using a strategy called active surveillance. With this approach, doctors perform periodic checks for tumor progression and start treatment only if the cancer begins to metastasize, or spread. Active surveillance has become popular worldwide, but doctors still debate which groups of men can safely use this strategy. Some doctors offer it only to men with the lowest risk of cancer progression. Others say that men with intermediate-risk prostate cancer can also make good candidates.

A new study now shows that intermediate-risk tumors are more likely to metastasize on active surveillance than initially expected. “Most men do fine on surveillance, but we have detected a higher risk of metastasis among intermediate-risk patients over the long term,” said Dr. Laurence Klotz, director of the active surveillance program at the University of Toronto’s Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, where the study was based.

Taking a look at intermediate-risk prostate cancer

Sunnybrook’s active surveillance program dates back to 1995, so it allows for remarkably long-term follow-up. Nearly 1,000 men have enrolled in the program so far. The majority have low-risk prostate cancer, which means their prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels don’t exceed 10 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) and their Gleason scores are no higher than 6. (Gleason scores describe how aggressive a tumor sample looks under the microscope.) About 200 men in the study have intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Usually, intermediate-risk cancer is determined by a Gleason score of 7 or a PSA level higher than 10 ng/mL. However, these intermediate cancers can also be divided into lower- and higher-risk categories, depending mostly on how much higher-grade cancer shows up in the biopsy.

The new analysis shows that 30 of the 980 men evaluated in the study eventually developed metastases (or areas of spread). Of those men, two had low-risk prostate cancer, while the other 28 had either been diagnosed initially with intermediate-risk tumors, or were upgraded to that category while they were on active surveillance. The risk of metastases was therefore 3% overall for all the men evaluated, but roughly four times that for the intermediate-risk men, specifically. The median time to metastasis was 8.9 years, meaning that for all the men whose cancer spread, half experienced it within 8.9 years of diagnosis and half experienced it later than that.

According to Dr. Klotz, the likelihood of metastases was mainly dependent on the amounts of Gleason 7 cancer in the prostate, and whether a man’s PSA levels doubled quickly. He expects that a few more men in the study will develop metastatic cancer with age and longer-term follow-up.

Is active surveillance right for some intermediate-risk men?

Though metastasis is a major problem when it occurs, Dr. Klotz emphasizes that roughly 80% of the intermediate-risk men in the study have so far avoided that outcome. And these men, he said, are also avoiding cancer treatments that would otherwise have a significant effect on their quality of life. Still, Dr. Klotz urges caution when selecting intermediate-risk men for active surveillance. “Based on these findings, I would strongly encourage that these men be further evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging and/or genetic biomarkers,” he said.

“These longer-term data shed new light on the ultimate outcomes of men considered for active surveillance who had components of higher-grade cancer when they were initially diagnosed, or who were found to have it on subsequent biopsies while on active surveillance,” said Dr. Marc Garnick, the Gorman Brothers Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and editor in chief of HarvardProstateKnowledge.org. “Many variables factor into whether active surveillance should be considered for intermediate-risk men. Dr. Klotz highlights MRI and biomarkers, but medical diagnoses, family history, and the patient’s emotional capacity to address a higher likelihood of metastases should all be considered.”

The post The risks of active surveillance for men with intermediate-risk prostate cancers appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Charlie Schmidt http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.health.harvard.edu%2Fblog%2Frisks-active-surveillance-men-intermediate-risk-prostate-cancers-201605279667&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

OMS : Journée mondiale sans tabac 2016 - Préparez-vous au conditionnement neutre

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D9hPE0QaYBeM&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Infection control courses available from CMS

Three new courses from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services aim to teach health care professionals about infection control and injection safety.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Finfection-control-courses-available-from-cms&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

If he builds it, they will come

California dentist constructs dental clinic in Philippines for underserved

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fif-he-builds-it-they-will-come&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Application period open for Dr. Ray Bowen Research Award

The ADA Foundation will begin accepting applications June 3 for the Dr. Ray Bowen Student Research Award, with the deadline Dec. 1.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fapplication-period-open-for-dr-ray-bowen-research-award&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Ways women can cut their risk of breast cancer

"Genetic risks are not set in stone," experts say; certain steps can make a difference

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fways-women-can-cut-their-risk-of-breast-cancer%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Fewer Inhaled Steroids OK for Asthmatic Kids?

Study suggests some kids don't need daily dosing, but one expert worries the strategy might have risks

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fasthma%2Fnews%2F20160527%2Ffewer-inhaled-steroids-may-be-ok-for-asthmatic-children%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on the Latest Quarterly Agricultural Trade Forecast

WASHINGTON, May 27, 2016 - American farmers and ranchers continue to compete and win in foreign markets. Even in today’s environment of lower commodity prices, abundant global supplies and a strong U.S. dollar, exports remain a key pillar supporting U.S. agriculture and rural communities.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usda.gov%2Fwps%2Fportal%2Fusda%2Fusdahome%3Fcontentid%3D2016%2F05%2F0131.xml%26contentidonly%3Dtrue&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

USDA Extends Deadline for Recording Farm Structure

WASHINGTON, May 27, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced a one-time, 30-day extension to the June 1 deadline for recording farm organization structures related to Actively Engaged in Farming determinations. This date is used to determine the level of interest an individual holds in a legal entity for the applicable program year.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usda.gov%2Fwps%2Fportal%2Fusda%2Fusdahome%3Fcontentid%3D2016%2F05%2F0130.xml%26contentidonly%3Dtrue&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million in Payments to Support the Production of Advanced Biofuel

WASHINGTON, May 27, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing $8.8 million to boost the production of advanced biofuels and sustain jobs at renewable energy facilities in 39 states.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usda.gov%2Fwps%2Fportal%2Fusda%2Fusdahome%3Fcontentid%3D2016%2F05%2F0132.xml%26contentidonly%3Dtrue&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Fluoridation favored in May in three U.S. communities

An initiative aimed at removing supplemental fluoride from the water here failed.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Ffluoridation-favored-in-may-in-three-us-communities&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Masters of clinical and business

New ADA resource offers tips on managing finances

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fmasters-of-clinical-and-business&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Haitian dental library nears goal thanks to ADA dentists

With the help of ADA member dentists, a fundraiser to purchase new textbooks for the The Faculté d’Odontologie at the Université d’Etat d’Haiti library is only $300 short of its $3,000 goal as of May 25.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fhaitian-dental-library-nears-goal-thanks-to-ada-dentists&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

June 17 is deadline for leadership awards

The ADA Foundation has extended the nomination deadline for the Dr. David Whiston Leadership Award and the Henry Schein Cares Dr. David Whiston Leadership Award.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fjune-17-is-deadline-for-leadership-awards&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

What makes us happy and healthy?

If you were going to invest now in your future self, what would you focus on? One of the world's longest running health studies sought to find the answer

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fwhat-makes-us-happy-and-healthy%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Researchers find superbug resistant to "last resort" antibiotic

The head of the CDC says, "It is the end of the road for antibiotics unless we act urgently"

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fresearchers-find-superbug-mcr-1-gene-resistant-to-last-resort-antibiotic%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Live. Work. Play: Tamei’s Diabetes Story

ADA_Staff_Tamei_052716 v2

Working for the American Diabetes Association® means making a difference for millions of people and working toward a future free of diabetes and all its burdens.

We all have a story to share. Some of us live with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or prediabetes. Others have loved ones with the disease o
r have lost someone to the fight.

The following are personal stories from the Association’s staff about why we are so committed to the mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.


ADA_Staff_Tamei_052716 v2Tamei Elliott
Associate Coordinator, Treasury Services
Home Office (Alexandria, Va.)

Before writing this post, I thought about all of the undesirable experiences I’ve had with my type 1 diabetes. I then remembered that I want to encourage and inspire those who already know what it’s like to have a low blood sugar, followed by a high blood sugar.

You know, when you’re low and you overeat because your main goal is to raise it up—but then you feel terrible for overcompensating because you know the negative results of high blood sugar. And then you feel sick, nauseous and tired from the swings in blood sugar, from the two events happening back to back.

Anyway, life with diabetes is a process and every day is not going to be perfect. That is one lesson I am still learning.  

Diagnosed at age 16, I decided that the only way to tackle this beast was to educate myself as much as possible on the disease. Nutrition plays a very important role in diabetes education and that is the sole reason why I pursued my bachelor’s degree in nutritional science. As I grew with the disease, my understanding of it grew too. I didn’t want to stop there, so I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in biotechnology. After all, the development of insulin was one of the earliest uses of biotechnology in pharmaceutical manufacturing and it’s the reason why I am alive today.

In my free time I host seminars about healthy eating on a budget and nutrition classes that concentrate on diabetes education. I like to focus on youth from rural areas because they truly are the future and often have the most to learn about diabetes. I’ve taught many classes where I’ve heard, “You’re a diabetic? You’re not fat, though.” And then there is the infamous, “My grandma said you get diabetes from eating too much sugar.” I believe that if they have a better understanding of nutrition and how it connects directly to managing diabetes and preventing type 2, it could potentially save their lives or the lives of their loved ones. And nutrition is just one important aspect of diabetes; there are also the complications to think about.

Diabetes and depression go hand-in-hand, and I personally battle with it on a daily basis. There needs to be more awareness, information and resources on how to cope with the two—each alone is difficult enough to deal with. One way I do is through music. DJing has become my creative outlet. For me it is a form of healing. If you experience the same distress from diabetes or another chronic illness, I encourage you to try and find something similar, whether it’s through art, dancing, singing or whatever you may enjoy.

Working at the American Diabetes Association has been life changing. I’ve been part of the treasury department for two years and have never worked with such a great and passionate team. They work for the mission, for me and for millions like me all around the country. I am so proud to know them and the many others who work for the Association. The people here are inspiring and when I’m feeling down, I am constantly reminded why I should keep going.

I want to share my story not to boast about my accomplishments, but to show others like me that it’s possible to pursue your dreams. Know that you are not alone and that you have the strength inside you to push through. You just have to believe in yourself. We have an entire Association that believes in all people with diabetes and works daily so that we can live a better life with diabetes.

Everything is possible. You just have to put forth the hard work to get there—and don’t forget to smile and check your blood glucose levels in the meantime.


To learn more about nationwide employment opportunities and life at the Association, please visit diabetes.org/careers.

From: American Diabetes Association http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetesstopshere.org%2F2016%2F05%2F27%2Ftameis-diabetes-story%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

FDA Approves Implant to Battle Opioid Addiction

Experts say steady dosing eliminates need to take

Experts say steady dosing eliminates need to take medication daily to combat heroin, powerful painkillers

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fmental-health%2Faddiction%2Fnews%2F20160526%2Ffda-approves-implant-to-battle-opioid-addiction%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Antidepressants for children and teens

Antidepressants have warnings about suicidal thinking, but they may also provide the most effective treatment for your child's depression. These facts can help guide your decision.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mayoclinic.org%2Fantidepressants%2Fart-20047502&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Guide to types of weight-loss surgery

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mayoclinic.org%2Ftests-procedures%2Fbariatric-surgery%2Fin-depth%2Fweight-loss-surgery%2Fart-20045334&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Superbugs threat grows more ominous in U.S.

"End of the road for antibiotics unless we act urgently," leading health official says after latest development

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fsuperbugs-threat-grows-more-ominous-in-us%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

OMS: Día Mundial Sin Tabaco 2016 - Prepárate para el empaquetado neutro

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D322-pKBtQw8&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Всемирный день без табака 2016 года: подготовиться к простой упаковке

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DwK3uqGJjjqw&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8


From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dbwo0hHTmq8k&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: World No Tobacco Day 2016 - Get ready for plain packaging

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DrXUCTSp2_58&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

اليوم العالمي للامتناع عن تعاطي التبغ 2016: استعدوا للتغليف البسيط

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DMat6hx2wg-M&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

6 gross facts about swimming pools

A must-read before taking a dip this holiday weekend

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fmedia%2F6-gross-facts-about-swimming-pools%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

More than 3 million sippy cups recalled due to mold risk

Nearly 70 children have been sickened after drinking from spill-proof plastic tumblers with contaminated valves

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fmore-than-3-million-sippy-cups-recalled-due-to-mold-risk%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: Health in emergencies - Full webcast of WorldHealth+SocialGood 2016

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6WZgYTXOCD0&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Thursday, May 26, 2016

FDA approves drug-oozing implant to control addiction

A new FDA-approved option aims to curb drug craving and withdrawal symptoms for six months at a time

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Ffda-approves-first-drug-oozing-implant-to-control-addiction%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

The brain scan that could show hidden consciousness

Scan shows promise helping doctors distinguish between patients in a vegetative state and those with some consciousness

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fthe-brain-scan-that-could-reveal-hidden-consciousness-coma-vegetative%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Running Performance Program

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DD6Ko2gGbkHs&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Return to Sport Program

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DD8b24LPreTw&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Mayo Clinic to be Home of National Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) Cohort Program Biobank

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuLRDj8zZzFY&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Baseball and Softball Program

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DbBxLS_2Ab_E&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - ACL Injury Prevention Program

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8JllooJOxEk&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Healthy Living May Offset Breast Cancer Gene Risk

Behavior may matter even more when your DNA is working against you, research shows

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fbreast-cancer%2Fnews%2F20160526%2Flifestyle-change-may-cut-risk-for-women-with-breast-cancer-genes%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Dr. Pritish Tosh Discusses Meat and Foodborne Illnesses

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DK8t_V5TPbXI&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

The big benefits of plain water

Follow me at @mallikamarshall

Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink.” Unlike Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, who was surrounded by undrinkable salt water, most Americans have an unlimited supply of clean water to quench our thirsts.

Yet many of us turn a blind eye to it and instead reach for other beverages throughout the day, like sodas, juices, coffee, and tea, despite warnings from health experts over recent years about the added calories in sweetened beverages and the health benefits of plain water.

Now a recent study in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics provides even more evidence that we should choose water over other drinks if we want to control our weight. For the study, researchers from the University of Illinois looked at data on the eating (and drinking) habits of 18,311 adults as recorded in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2005 and 2012.

Survey participants were asked to recall their dietary intake over two separate days. They reported their consumption of plain water (which included tap water, water from fountains and water coolers, and bottled water) as well as their consumption of other beverages like soda, fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, and sweetened bottled waters. Participants were also questioned about their intake of “energy-dense, nutrient-poor” foods, like cookies, ice cream, chips, and pastries.

On average, participants drank 4.2 cups of plain water a day and took in 2,157 calories. About 125 of those calories came from sweetened beverages, and about 432 calories came from energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods.

The researchers found that the participants who drank the most plain water in their daily diet consumed fewer total calories, drank fewer sweetened beverages, and took in less total fat, saturated fat, sugar, salt, and cholesterol. In fact, they discovered that increasing plain water consumption by one to three cups a day could decrease calorie intake by 68 to 205 calories a day. That could add up to a lot fewer calories over time — and result in significant weight loss.

These results support prior research on this topic, which has shown that drinking water before meals and that substituting water for sweetened beverages can cut down on calorie intake and improve weight control. That means people interested in losing weight and improving their overall health could benefit from incorporating more plain water into their daily diet.

So next time you’re thirsty, instead of ignoring your kitchen sink at home or the bubbler at work, take a moment to savor the one drink that’s free, refreshing, and actually good for us: plain old water.

The post The big benefits of plain water appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Mallika Marshall, MD http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.health.harvard.edu%2Fblog%2Fbig-benefits-plain-water-201605269675&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Make First Official Visit to Puerto Rico

WASHINGTON, May 26, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will make his first official visit to Puerto Rico where he will highlight the U.S. Department of Agriculture's ongoing commitment to addressing food security and rural opportunity in the Commonwealth.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usda.gov%2Fwps%2Fportal%2Fusda%2Fusdahome%3Fcontentid%3D2016%2F05%2F0129.xml%26contentidonly%3Dtrue&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Global economic crisis tied to thousands of cancer deaths

A new report finds evidence that recession and unemployment can have deadly consequences

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fglobal-economic-crisis-tied-to-thousands-of-excess-cancer-deaths%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

North Dakota conjoined twins celebrate 10 years apart

Isabelle and Abby spent their first six months in Minnesota hospital rooms, conjoined from the chest to the stomach at birth

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fnorth-dakota-conjoined-twins-celebrate-10-years-apart%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

How Often Should Your Pet See a Veterinarian?

vet with dog

Your four-legged friend needs wellness visits, too. Here's what to expect at each stage of life.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fpets.webmd.com%2Ffeatures%2Fyour-pet-veterinarian%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

High schoolers score success with science fair projects on oral health

Three high school students won ADA Foundation-sponsored Special Awards May 12 at the 2016 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fhigh-schoolers-score-success-with-science-fair-projects-on-oral-health&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Online course covers dentistry, diabetes

To help other dentists understand the signs, symptoms, risk factors and systematic complications of diabetes, CAPIR has developed an online course, "Diabetes Mellitus and the Dental Professional."

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fonline-course-covers-dentistry-diabetes&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

​Theranos is now facing a lawsuit alleging consumer fraud

A class-action lawsuit claims the problem-plagued blood-testing company misled consumers

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Ftheranos-is-now-facing-a-lawsuit-alleging-consumer-fraud%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Researchers slowly homing in on risk of Zika birth defect

What is the chance that an infected pregnant woman will have a baby with microcephaly? A new study seeks to answer the agonizing question

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fresearchers-slowly-homing-in-on-risk-of-zika-birth-defect%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

The 7 foods most likely to make your pet sick

You probably know chocolate is toxic for dogs, but that's not the only pet health hazard lurking in your kitchen

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fmedia%2F7-foods-cause-the-most-pet-deaths-illnesses%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

The riskiest time for military suicide attempts

Suicide rates within the military have skyrocketed over the last 15 years and a new study reveals when soldiers are at greatest risk

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fthis-is-the-riskiest-time-for-military-suicide-attempts%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

1.2 Million College Students Drink on Average Day

And over 700,000 use marijuana, government report says

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fmental-health%2Faddiction%2Fnews%2F20160526%2F12-million-us-college-students-boozing-on-average-day%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Case Western graduates first female-majority class

Founded in 1892, Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine has held its share of commencement ceremonies. However, its most recent one made school history.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fcase-western-graduates-first-female-majority-class&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Hepatitis C Patients More Likely to Drink: Study

And researchers say alcohol can worsen the chronic liver condition

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fhepatitis%2Fnews%2F20160525%2Fhepatitis-c-patients-more-likely-to-drink-study-finds%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

What Doctors Aren't Telling Obese Young Adults

Too few warn patients of their risk for kidney disease, study says

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fdiet%2Fobesity%2F20160525%2Fwhat-doctors-arent-telling-obese-young-adults%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

New balloon capsule could take bite out of obesity

In clinical trials, patients who were 40 to 60 pounds overweight lost an average of nearly seven percent of their body weight in six months

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fnew-balloon-capsule-could-take-bite-out-of-obesity%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Debra’s Story: Sun Tanning Not Worth It - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D78J2HDj6t-o&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Some Experts Question Extent of U.S. Zika Threat

They say Gulf Coast states face risk, but most other states probably don't

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fnews%2F20160526%2Fsome-experts-question-extent-of-zika-threat-to-us%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Mayo Clinic Minute: The Facts on Stroke

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DblgE7vF8EgE&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Story by Story Episode 5: Individualizing Medicine Conference - October 5-6, 2016

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D275D4SiZZrk&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: Sustainable development goals - Full webcast of WorldHealth+SocialGood 2016

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DxZ3rCHS_3Ic&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

ODC urges committee to increase the annual Flexible Spending Account cap

In a time when out-of-pocket costs for health care “have never been higher,” the Organized Dentistry Coalition is urging the House Ways and Means Subcommittee to increase the annual flexible spending account cap.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ada.org%2Fen%2Fpublications%2Fada-news%2F2016-archive%2Fmay%2Fodc-urges-committee-to-increase-the-annual-flexible-spending-account-cap&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Herbal supplements may not mix with heart medicines

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mayoclinic.org%2Fhealthy-lifestyle%2Fconsumer-health%2Fin-depth%2Fherbal-supplements%2Fart-20046488&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mayoclinic.org%2Fdiseases-conditions%2Ferectile-dysfunction%2Fin-depth%2Fnonoral-erectile-dysfunction-treatments%2Fart-20045578&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Drug distributors under pressure in opioid epidemic

West Virginia, which leads the nation in rate of overdose deaths, is fighting the epidemic in court by suing six national companies that distribute painkillers

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fdrug-distributors-under-pressure-in-opioid-epidemic%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

DEA targets drug wholesalers to stem opioid epidemic

Records reveal in a five-year period, the distributor McKesson delivered nearly 100 million opiates to West Virginia -- a state with 1.8 million people

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fdrug-distributor-mckesson-faces-lawsuit-in-effort-to-stem-opioid-painkiller-epidemic%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Migraine or Sinus Headache: What's the Difference?

man with a headache

WebMD talks to headache experts about the difference between migraines and sinus headaches.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fmigraines-headaches%2Ffeatures%2Fmigraine-or-sinus-headache%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley signs 20-week abortion ban

Only exceptions to the ban are if the mother's life is in jeopardy or a doctor determines the fetus can't survive outside the womb

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fsouth-carolina-governor-nikki-haley-signs-20-week-abortion-ban%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Dr. Pritish Tosh Discusses Zika Virus

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEqYT1eKKam4&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

World Health Assembly agrees new Health Emergencies Programme

WHO Member States today agreed to one of the most profound transformations in the Organization’s history, establishing a new Health Emergencies Programme. The programme adds operational capabilities for outbreaks and humanitarian emergencies to complement its traditional technical and normative roles.

The new programme is designed to deliver rapid, predictable, and comprehensive support to countries and communities as they prepare for, face or recover from emergencies caused by any type of hazard to human health, whether disease outbreaks, natural or man-made disasters or conflicts.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fentity%2Fmediacentre%2Fnews%2Freleases%2F2016%2Fwha69-25-may-2016%2Fen%2Findex.html&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

The truth about tequila and your bones

Tequila could reverse osteoporosis!

Drinking tequila is good for your bones!

Have a Third Margarita — Because Tequila’s Great for Your Bones!

Talk about misleading headlines! These are prime examples.

It’s true that a newly published study found that a substance in tequila (called agave tequilana, or tequila agave) might help maintain bone health. And that it could lead to new treatments for osteoporosis. But consider the details:

  • The study was performed on mice who had had their ovaries removed. This is by no means a perfect model for human osteoporosis.
  • The mice were treated with a type of agave tequilana, not tequila, for only eight weeks.
  • When compared with untreated mice, the treated mice were found to have larger thigh bones, and samples of their thigh bones contained more of a protein linked with bone growth (called osteocalcin). However, there was no long-term treatment with agave tequilana beyond the initial eight weeks, nor was there any assessment of whether this treatment would prevent osteoporosis.

The researchers suggested that sugars in the agave tequilana interacted with bacteria in the intestinal tracts of the mice to encourage absorption of minerals needed to build bones. So, a “healthy intestinal microbiome” may also be required for this approach to work.

What’s the catch?

I think this new research is intriguing. It’s entirely possible that certain types of agave (a plant that produces a honey-like nectar) could turn out to help people maintain or improve bone health. And considering the health impacts of osteoporosis — hip fractures, loss of mobility, and complications that can lead to death in some cases — such an advance can’t come too soon.

But any study in animals has to be considered highly preliminary. It’s simply unknown whether the results of this study apply to humans. In addition, the animals did not drink tequila. They were treated with a chemical found in tequila. So, the suggestion that we (humans) might improve our bone health by drinking margaritas is, in my view, just a way to grab attention. Even if we could fast forward a few years and confirm that agave tequilana improves human bone health, it’s unlikely that the treatment would be in the form of tequila.

Unfortunately, many people don’t read past the headlines. This is one time when that would be hazardous. The health impact of the alcohol in tequila — and the sugar content of agave — are just two of several “downsides” that could come about if you were worried about your bone health and took the headlines too literally.

Haven’t we been here before?

This new study on “tequila for osteoporosis” reminds me of past studies touting the health benefits of chocolate, wine, or coffee. The same week as the tequila story broke, other researchers reported that certain substances in red wine and coffee could improve cardiovascular health by changing the intestinal bacteria. Again, the study was in mice.

Claims that some of our favorite foods and drinks are actually good for us are not new. Some claims are better supported than others. For example, the evidence that coffee consumption may reduce the incidence of certain types of liver disease in humans is compelling. Still, it’s relatively rare that doctors actually “prescribe” these foods to prevent or treat disease. Perhaps they should. But, enthusiasm for doing so is tempered by concerns that excessive consumption may cause other, unhealthy effects.

Stand by

We’ll need much more research before tequila or anything in it can be recommended for bone health, or any other health concern. Until then, I hope medical writers — and readers — will be careful in how they interpret preliminary research. It’s one thing to hope that what you like is also good for you. It’s quite another for that to be any more than wishful thinking.

The post The truth about tequila and your bones appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert H. Shmerling, MD http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.health.harvard.edu%2Fblog%2Ftruth-tequila-bones-201605259671&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Common Abnormal Heart Rhythm Linked to Cancer Risk

But study only found an association and doesn't prove that atrial fibrillation causes cancer

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fheart-disease%2Fatrial-fibrillation%2Fnews%2F20160525%2Fcommon-abnormal-heart-rhythm-linked-to-cancer-risk%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Medicare Drug-Pricing Experiment Stirs Opposition

A proposal to change the way Medicare pays for some drugs has set off intense reaction and lobbying — all tied to a common theme: How far should the government go in setting prices for prescription drugs?

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fhealth-insurance%2F20160525%2Fmedicares-drugpricing-experiment-stirs-opposition%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

High-Salt Diets May Up Kidney Patients' Heart Risk

Study found higher odds for heart attack, stroke in people who consumed more sodium daily

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fdiabetes%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Fhigh-salt-diets-may-raise-heart-risks-for-kidney-patients%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Colon cancer rising in unexpected age group

Overall rates are on the decline, but this age group has seen a big jump in the past decade, new research shows

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fcolon-cancer-rising-in-people-under-50%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

States file lawsuit over pelvic mesh implants

Officials in Washington state and California say the mesh, made by Johnson & Johnson, caused dire complications

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fstates-file-lawsuit-against-johnson-johnson-over-pelvic-mesh-implants%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Balloon-in-a-pill might be new weight loss tool

New ingestible, inflatable balloon system is a noninvasive way to curb appetite, researchers say

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fballoon-in-a-pill-might-be-new-weight-loss-tool%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

25 Legends: Timothy Trout

StepOut_ 2016_5-10

This year marks the 25th anniversary of two American Diabetes Association® signature fundraising events—Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes® and Tour de Cure®.

Every dollar raised at these events supports people living with diabetes and funds our life-changing research and programs.

The “25 Legends” blog series highlights personal stories from some of the Association’s most dedicated walkers and riders who are affected by the disease.


StepOut_ 2016_5-10My name is Timothy Trout and I’m from Greenville, South Carolina. I have been living with type 1 diabetes for 22 years. I was diagnosed at 5 years old; I’m 27 today.

My family has been participating in Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes since 1995, soon after I was diagnosed. Our team is called Team In Motion (TIM). I was the first person in my family to be diagnosed with diabetes—my younger sister has been diagnosed since—and we were looking for a way to be in touch with others who shared the same personal and family experiences with the disease.

Diabetes has impacted many aspects of my life. The daily burdens associated with the disease are frustrating, but in a way, I enjoy the challenge of it. I am determined to lead the best, most active, most fulfilling life I can, and I am too stubborn to let type 1 diabetes get in the way. I play sports and enjoy weight-lifting, hiking and cooking healthy meals. And even though diabetes makes some of that a little more challenging, it has also made me understand the importance of maintaining my health. Following a healthy lifestyle helps me manage my blood glucose and makes me feel better overall.

I have always felt great after finishing a Step Out walk. Being involved early on helped me understand the importance of having a supportive community and following a healthy lifestyle. Participating in the walks helped me form these good habits.

The walk itself is exciting, but the sense of community there is the best part. Step Out provides the unique opportunity to connect with others affected by diabetes, and it is nice to know that others are going through the same thing as you on a daily basis.

My favorite memory from the walk was winning the top fundraising trophy when I was very young.  I remember telling my mother I wanted to win, and she said, “Well, that will probably go to the bigger companies that have a lot of people fundraising for them.” I was a little disheartened at first, but after a few weeks of rallying our friends, family, neighbors and colleagues, we ended up winning! We spent several weekends walking around our neighborhood telling people about the event and why they should support the American Diabetes Association. Educating people about the cause was a rewarding experience, and getting our name on the trophy was pretty cool.

My younger self would have said that my family’s biggest accomplishment was winning that fundraising trophy, but now I’d say it is the great feeling of getting everyone together to support people affected by diabetes.

Step Out walks are a great opportunity to meet others who are passionate about stopping diabetes, and I plan to continue supporting the American Diabetes Association. If you’re looking to connect with the diabetes community, my advice is to gather up as many friends and relatives as you can and go for it!

Together, we CAN Stop Diabetes.

The Association is so grateful of our 25 Legends! Their tireless efforts as walkers and riders are a tremendous support and inspiration to people with diabetes.

Sign up today! Learn more about these events and find out how to get involved at diabetes.org/stepout and diabetes.org/tourdecure.

From: American Diabetes Association http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetesstopshere.org%2F2016%2F05%2F25%2F25-legends-timothy-trout%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Mayo Clinic Minute: Sleep Challenges for Women

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DfdBZtCdG4uk&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Pot While Pregnant May Raise Premature Birth Risk

Experts' advice to expectant mothers on marijuana use is same as for alcohol and tobacco: Don't do it

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fbaby%2Fnews%2F20160525%2Fpot-while-pregnant-may-raise-premature-birth-risk-study%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Most Americans Wouldn't Join a Clinical Trial

Only 40 percent had favorable view of these studies, but number rose when they received more info

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fcancer%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Fmost-americans-wouldnt-join-a-clinical-trial-survey-finds%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

After Heart Attack, New Threat: Heart Failure

1 in 4 survivors develops this serious condition within 4 years, study finds

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fheart-disease%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Fafter-heart-attack-new-threat-heart-failure%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Weight-Loss Surgery Helps Treat Type 2 Diabetes

45 professional groups say the procedure improves blood sugar control

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fdiabetes%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Fweight-loss-surgery-helps-treat-type-2-diabetes%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Aches and pains? You could have "Dormant Butt Syndrome"

Common aches in the knee, hip, and back might actually be a pain in the butt, experts warn

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fdormant-butt-syndrome-a-cause-of-common-aches-and-pains%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Philadelphia becomes battleground over sugary drink tax

The mayor wants to add three cents an ounce to the price of soda, flavored water, sports drinks and some juices

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fphiladelphia-becomes-battleground-over-sugary-drink-tax%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Growing fears over Zika virus as summer approaches

So far, more than 500 people living within the 50 states have contracted Zika while traveling overseas or by having sex with someone who did

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fgrowing-fears-over-zika-virus-as-summer-approaches%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

New Vision Issues Spotted in Zika-Infected Babies

Finding adds to growing understanding of damage virus causes in these infants, researchers say

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fnews%2F20160525%2Fdoctors-spot-new-vision-problems-in-babies-struck-by-zika%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: Pioneering methadone programme gives hope to thousands in Dar es Salaam

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DHTDGeLFdRuc&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: Antimicrobial resistance - Full webcast of WorldHealth+SocialGood

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DPI4e2_HOzcs&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: WHA 69 - Christiana Figueres, invited speaker to the World Health Assembly

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGrMo9yCUTHE&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Alzheimer's: When to stop driving

A person who has Alzheimer's may be hazardous on the road. Know how to keep your loved one safe.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mayoclinic.org%2Fhealthy-lifestyle%2Fcaregivers%2Fin-depth%2Falzheimers%2Fart-20044924&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Fitness tips for menopause: Why fitness counts

Want to prevent weight gain and promote good health as you get older? Follow these fitness tips for menopause.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mayoclinic.org%2Fhealthy-lifestyle%2Fwomens-health%2Fin-depth%2Ffitness-tips-for-menopause%2Fart-20044602&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Philadelphia's tax proposal on sugary drinks fizzles with critics

Mayor Jim Kenney claims it will help cut down poverty and grow the city's pre-K program, but critics say it'll hurt those meant to be helped most

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fphiladelphia-tax-proposal-on-sugary-drinks-fizzles-with-critics%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

"Killing children": Congress takes action on danger of car seat backs

Lawmakers demand answers after CBS News investigation found more than 100 people -- mostly children -- were severely injured or killed by seat back failures

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fcbs-news-investigation-of-seat-back-failures-sparks-action-by-congress%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Call for obesity surgery to be used as diabetes treatment

New guidelines mark the first time the surgery is recommended specifically as treatment for diabetes

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fobesity-surgery-should-be-considered-more-for-diabetes-groups-says%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

What is altitude sickness and why is it so dangerous?

Recent deaths on Mount Everest prompt questions about what happens to the body at high elevations

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fmount-everest-altitude-sickness-turns-deadly%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Antidepressants used to treat more than depression: study

New research looks at the different reasons why physicians prescribe the medications

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fnearly-half-of-antidepressants-not-prescribed-for-depression-study%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Colon Cancer Rising in People Under 50

Incidence up more than 10 percent in 10 years among Americans, study finds

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fcolorectal-cancer%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Fcolon-cancer-rising-in-people-under-50%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Weight-Loss Surgery Helps Treat Type 2 Diabetes

45 professional groups say the procedure improves blood sugar control

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fdiet%2Fobesity%2F20160524%2Fweight-loss-surgery-helps-treat-type-2-diabetes%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Mayo Clinic Minute: Tick Season Tactics

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D4rEXmhwPt-s&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

New Immunotherapy Approved for Metastatic Bladder Cancer

From: Mayo Clinic http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DK28GL5D6mUE&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

World Health Assembly highlights importance of multisectoral action on health

Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, addressed the World Health Assembly today. She stressed the links between climate change and health, including those related to the spread of vector-borne diseases.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fentity%2Fmediacentre%2Fnews%2Freleases%2F2016%2FWHA69-importance-of-multisectoral-action%2Fen%2Findex.html&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: Antimicrobial resistance - Part 1 of WorldHealth+SocialGood

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DwxToAWXTo2Q&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: Antimicrobial resistance - Part 2 of WorldHealth+SocialGood

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2tXB_kmXmoc&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: Antimicrobial resistance - Part 3 of WorldHealth+SocialGood

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DkOiFAhlcCI0&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: Antimicrobial resistance - Part 4 of WorldHealth+SocialGood

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DmdE8yl4yN3w&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

China and Russia teams join WHO’s Emergency Medical Team Initiative

WHO is working with governments and organizations to register medical teams from around the world.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fentity%2Fmediacentre%2Fnews%2Freleases%2F2016%2Femergency-medical-teams%2Fen%2Findex.html&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

What techniques really work to help baby sleep?

A new study looks at the consequences of moving bedtimes or letting babies cry it out

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fwhich-techniques-really-work-to-help-baby-sleep%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Balloon-in-a-Pill May Be New Weight-Loss Tool

Those using the device were nearly 7 percent lighter after six months

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fdiet%2Fobesity%2F20160524%2Fballoon-in-a-pill-may-be-new-weight-loss-tool%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Antidepressants Not Just for Depression Any More

Other uses include insomnia, pain and anxiety, researchers say

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fdepression%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Fantidepressants-not-just-for-depression-any-more%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Safe Air Travel with Diabetes

Passenger Passing Through Security Check At Airport

Passenger Passing Through Security Check At Airport

With Memorial Day weekend coming up, many people across the country will begin planning their summer vacations (if not already). However, for people living with diabetes, there is often a lot more preparation involved, from packing extra medications and supplies to securing doctors’ notes. And what about your insulin pump, continuous glucose monitor and liquids—can they even go through airport screening?

We’ve gathered a few tips that will help you plan accordingly and enjoy your trip, especially if your itinerary includes air travel.

First, don’t be alarmed about TSA’s airport screening policy change to require some passengers to undergo a full-body scan, announced in December 2015. Generally, passengers, including those who have personal medical devices, will still have the option to opt out of a full-body scan in favor of a pat-down.

If the airport you are traveling out of has Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) available, you can request to use it instead of a metal detector. You also have a right to have a full pat-down screening done in private and with a witness of your choice. We have more advice for handling your screening concerns.

Rest assured, you are able to bring your diabetes medications and supplies through airport security. These include insulin and insulin-loaded dispensing products, glucagon emergency kits, blood glucose meters and continuous blood glucose monitors. See our full list of what you can bring with you.

Chances are, you’ll have a positive experience at the airport. Here are some first-hand accounts of people living with diabetes—our Facebook fans:

  • Liquid Rules: “Recently, both Kansas City and Las Vegas airports allowed me to keep two bottles of Boost for low [blood sugar].” – Kendra J. People with diabetes are allowed to exceed the limit on liquids with medications such as insulin and glucagon, and fast-acting sources of carbohydrate, such as juice.
  • Point it Out: “I recently had the most pleasurable experience in the Orlando International Airport. Pre checked my bag at the curb and was given TSA pre check. When I got to the line I told the lady I wore an insulin pump and a CGM. She looked at me with a smile took me by the hand and whispered, ‘I’m a type 1, I wear one too.’ All I had to do was touch my equipment and she swiped my hands! All my supplies including juice boxes, skittles, meds, etc. went right thru! Feeling blessed!” – Diane V.
  • Make a Choice: “I just flew a couple weeks ago and asked for the pat down, having both a pump, and CGM. They swabbed everything in my med pack, asked no questions about a [loose] vial or multiple boxed vials. I had to handle my pump and CGM, and then they swabbed my hands.” – Robin H. Remember, you are entitled to a pat-down if you prefer, but your insulin pump may be subject to additional screening.

Want more tips? Turn to Diabetes Forecast magazine for ways to ensure your lifesaving diabetes medications and supplies make it through airport security.

If you have questions before traveling or need help, contact the TSA Cares helpline at (855) 787-2227.

And if you’ve experienced difficulties going through airport security screening checkpoints and need help from our legal advocates, call us at (800) DIABETES.

From: American Diabetes Association http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdiabetesstopshere.org%2F2016%2F05%2F24%2Fsafe-air-travel-with-diabetes%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Home Remedy For Skin Cancer May Cause Damage

'Black salve' made FDA's fake cancer cures list

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fmelanoma-skin-cancer%2Fnews%2F20160523%2Fhome-remedy-for-skin-cancer-may-cause-damage-mask-new-growth%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Late Dinners Won't Doom Kids to Obesity

Study found eating after 8 p.m. was not linked to increased risk for weight gain

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fdiet%2Fobesity%2F20160523%2Flate-dinners-wont-doom-kids-to-obesity%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

As Zika spreads, Florida town a study in bug-borne illness

As mosquito season begins, experts look to lessons learned from the successful fight against dengue in these Florida suburbs

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fas-zika-spreads-florida-town-a-study-in-bug-borne-illness%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Time to drop the "no eating" rule before a colonoscopy?

Going on a clear-liquid diet the day before a colonoscopy has some drawbacks, and a new study suggests it may not be necessary

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fno-eating-rule-before-a-colonoscopy%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

What Really Works to Help Baby Sleep

Two long-recommended methods seem effective and bring no psychological harm, study finds

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fparenting%2Fbaby%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Fwhat-really-works-to-help-baby-sleep%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Hormone May Be Linked to Teenage Obesity

Researchers suspect low levels of spexin might play contributing role

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fteens.webmd.com%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Fhormone-may-be-linked-to-teenage-obesity%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Time to Drop 'No-Eating Rule' Before Colonoscopy?

Consuming limited amount of low-fiber food day before didn't disrupt procedure, study finds

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fcolorectal-cancer%2Fnews%2F20160524%2Ftime-to-drop-the-no-eating-rule-before-colonoscopy%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: WHA69 - Speech in Arabic by Dr Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Saidi, President of WHA 2016

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DBL6Lw8pL_to&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

WHO: WHA69 - Speech by Dr Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Saidi, President of the World Health Assembly

From: World Health Organization http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D-O3SIpQUslM&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Men's Y Chromosome Loss Tied to Alzheimer's Risk

Study raises provocative questions, expert says

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Falzheimers%2Fnews%2F20160523%2Floss-of-y-chromosome-in-men-tied-to-alzheimers-risk%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Advanced Cancer Patients Lack Info About Disease

In study, just 1 in 20 terminally ill people understood their prognosis, researchers say

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webmd.com%2Fcancer%2Fnews%2F20160523%2Ftoo-many-advanced-cancer-patients-lack-info-about-their-disease%3Fsrc%3DRSS_PUBLIC&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Phildelphia's tax proposal on sugary drinks fizzles with critics

Mayor Jim Kenney claims it will help cut down poverty and grow the city's pre-K program, but critics say it'll hurt those meant to be helped most

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fphildelphia-bill-takes-aim-at-sugary-drinks-with-tax-mixed-opinions%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

U.S. smoking rate does something it hasn't in years

Some 50 years ago, roughly 42 percent of U.S. adults smoked, but picture is radically different today

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fnews%2Fus-smoking-rate-does-something-it-hasnt-in-years%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

How love and sex can boost health later in life

As you get older, research shows the brain may benefit from romantic love and physical affection

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fhow-love-and-sex-can-boost-health-later-in-life%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8

Monday, May 23, 2016

The emotional toll of addiction: Aunt of two heroin addicts opens up

CBS News is following Jason Amaral, a 30-year-old heroin addict, as he battles to get free of his addiction. In part three of "In the Shadow of Death: Jason's Journey," DeMarco Morgan shows how deeply addiction can tear apart a family.

From: http://redirect.viglink.com?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fvideos%2Fthe-emotional-toll-of-addiction-aunt-of-two-heroin-addicts-opens-up%2F&key=ddaed8f51db7bb1330a6f6de768a69b8